Yan cheng and xue yuan's boat reached to hua kingdom. When they got off the boat, they saw a terrible fire rising up in the Hua kingdom palace. Xue brothers saw it and started running in hurry towards the palace. The yan brothers wasn't understanding what was going on in there.

Xue liang, xue zheng and xue yuan were searching for hua ming and hua xiang. They were starting to tremble in fear of something happening to their parents. The whole hua kingdom workers and maids were on fire.


They started to cry

From an unknown room they heard the voice of hua ming and hua xiang.

They entered the room they saw hua ming was all burned and hua xiang was holding her on his laps shedding tears.

They were surrounded by fire there was no way to save them. Xue yuan was about to save them by walking into the fire but xue zheng hold him from back then started screaming. MOM!!! DAD!! I WILL SAVE U NO MATTER WHAT.

Hua xiang was surprised and looked at their way he said: my children...it's time for us both to go away from u. but make sure u stay away from those people run away as much as you can we want you three to be safe. *smile*

Xue brothers started crying their pain out.

Hua ming said "my dear children I didn't thought I would see u. I thought we would die without having a last glance at our diamonds but thanks to God I at least got to talk with u at my last moment. Always remember mom loves you"

The last words from their mouth were "run my children or they will hunt u stay blessed"

Both hua ming and hua xiang took their last breath smiling in pain.

The xue brothers couldn't bear it they tried running into the fire but yan brothers took them away from there.

From the same boat they went away from xue kingdom shedding tears. Xue yuan knew whose doing this could be he clenched in anger and said "revenge... I will definitely take my revenge from that bastard for the "death" of my parents" this was a different side of xue yuan no one saw.

The next morning

They all woke up early in the morning xue yuan didn't sleep at all. They all didn't dare to talk to each other after what happened yesterday.

Xue yuan said in anger: all of you train yourself well whoever want to come fight for a war with me. This time I'm not going to leave that bastard in peace.

He explained everyone a plan and explained them whatever is happening in the past few years along with his past to the yan brothers and xue zheng and xue liang.

The xue brothers and yan brothers agreed to xue yuan and believed him. Xue brothers already knew whatever happened in their life but didn't knew what happened in yan brothers' life.

They were preparing well for the war training every day in the forests. After a month xue yuan was able to call the great demon sword of this biological father xue cheng named Feng xin. He was really happy after seeing him happy yan cheng was also happy.

After he learned to control Feng xin he also learned how to control the flute in a few weeks after that. He can now control corpse but wasn't able to summon a dragon which Is the most powerful.

Everyone was really happy after training for 3 months and successfully gaining a lot of power.

Tomorrow was the day of the war everyone was resting in their tents but xue yuan and yan cheng were talking outside looking at the stars.

Xue yuan and yan cheng were laughing

Xue yuan: *sigh* yan cheng you know you are best thing happened in my life I don't know if without u and brother zhong I would have reached till here.

Yan cheng blushed and spoke in a low voice" you are best thing happened in my life too though"

Xue yuan: huh? What did u say I didn't hear sorry?

Yan cheng: nothing nothing let's go rest tomorrow is the war day we must need energy

Xue yuan: yess! Let's go! Tomorrow im going to kick their a*ses!!