Ch10: Madara vs Whitebeard pirates

"Jinbe, you are close with Whitebeard pirates right. Ask them for a spar with me. Including WHITEBEARD."

Neptune, Otohime and Jinbe were shocked while Elly was panicking.

Why panicking? Because she hasn't seen the full strength of Madara yet but she knows that the title "Strongest Man in the World" is surely meant something.

And during her training with Madara, she was getting beaten up by Madara who was using his strength at the level of low Chunin. So she obviously don't know about the true strength of Madara which goes way beyond the kage level.

Well let's get back to the meeting room.

Jinbe who was asked to set up a spar between Whitebeard pirates and Madara.

"Are you sure? He is the strongest man in the world. No one can defeat him. I believe your strength is somewhere near him but i still haven't seen you fight with anyone. It won't be good to be too over confident."

Jinbe said with a warning as he could sense Madara's strength but still won't believe it till he sees it with his own eyes.

"Don't worry about it. If you could sense my strength close to him then i am gonna survive. Just call him right now and ask for a spar. We won't hold any of you responsible for our lose or death." Madara said bluntly as he was trying to get jinbe call Whitebeard.

Neptune interjected as he believe everything started because of him.

"Madara-san. Whitebeard is too strong of a opponent for you. Just fighting someone with power lower than Marine Admiral is okay for us."

But this Dev interjected.

"It's all okay King Neptune. I believe in Madara's strength. And as he said, we won't hold any of responsible in any way. We just want show our strength."

Neptune didn't know what to say anymore. He reluctantly agreed and nodded at jinbe.

Jinbe sighed and took out his Den Den Mushi to call Whitebeard.

Moby Dick, New World.

Currently Whitebeard pirates are patrolling their territory. Whitebeard is sitting on his chair in the middle of the ship while many medical devices are connected to him. He is drinking alcohol he has on his right hand. While Marco is sitting on his left shoulder checking through medical records.

"Oyaji, you should stop drinking now. Your medical report isnt good." Marco said while fixing his glasses with one hand.

"Gurararara~ Marco, you know i won't stop drinking alcohol. It's like a water to me."

"Then drink water directly, no need to drink too much alcohol."

Whitebeard was about to reply but his Den Den Mushi rang.

"Purururu~ Purururu~"

Whitebeard pick up the Den Den Mushi and accepted the call.

"Oyaji, it's me. Jinbe"

"Jinbe. Is everything okay. How did the meeting go with that new kingdom."

This was clearly heard by Dev, Elly and Madara. Dev raised his eyebrow about this. To show that he was curious about this. But the truth was Dev already knows that Jinbe went Whitebeard prior to his visit to Óneiro Kingdom as Whitebeard pirates are getting spyed on by satellites. It wasn't just Whitebeard pirates. Other Yonko's such as Red hair pirates, Beast pirates and Big mom pirates are too under surveillance. It was not just pirates. Marines, World Government and Revolutionary army are also being monitored right now. Although there are gaps in surveillance due to low numbers of satellites which will be solved as time goes on.

But it's the other way around too. This call is also being monitored by Marines right now. This call is being made on Den Den Mushi which is unsecured and can be easily surveillanced upon. Dev and others knows this and he let it happen as he wants the Marines to know their strength so they don't bother him much in the future and as well as warn the World Government.

"Yes everything is okay. I am currently sitting in meeting with them. Actually they have a request for you." Jinbe said.

This gathered every division commander attention who were on deck doing some work. They all approached Whitebeard to hear better what the request was. Marco on Whitebeard shoulder put down the medical records and leaned forward to listen better.

"What is it?" Whitebeard asked as was curious.

"Actually their Diplomat who came to our Kingdom the other day has requested to have a spar with your pirate group. Including you Oyaji."

This surprised everyone who were near Whitebeard, including Whitebeard himself.

"Huh!! He think he can defeat our group with his army. No need to humiliate themselves. Their army will be defeated by us easily." Marco replied from Whitebeard's shoulder.

Before Jinbe could reply, Madara spoke himself.

"Who said about bringing an army. I alone am enough to defeat your pirate group."

This shocked Neptune, Otohime and Jinbe too. They thought Madara will bring a part of army or those planes that they saw for a spar but alone going to fight is suicidal. They didn't spoke and just continued to listen.

"Is it you, Madara Uchiha?"

"Yeah, so what do you say? Will you accept my request?"

Whitebeard went into thinking while people were thinking that man is suicidal to challenge their father.

After few seconds, Whitebeard spoke.

"I have heard about your strength from Jinbe. If you can defeat my sons and daughters then I'll fight you personally."

"Fine by me. I am on my way to you now. We will be there in 2 hours. Find a island for us to go all out."

"We will be waiting for you then." With that said Whitebeard cut off the call.

Ace approached Whitebeard and asked a question.

"Why did you accept their request Oyaji. We have nothing to gain with this."

"I am getting old and weak day by day. If this person is strong enough. Then he can take the title of the strongest man from my shoulders. With that there will be less attention on us by the World Government and Marines" Whitebeard replied with a sigh at the end.

It is true that he is getting weaker and his age is advancing to old age. He has been holding this title for long time and want to get rid off it so his childrens will have less attention on them after his passing.

Every Division commanders knows this is truth in their deep heart but they still refuse to believe it.

Soon every commander began to say thats its false and their father is still the strongest. Whitebeard hearing felt happy from bottom of his heart how much his children loves him. And he too loves them in return.

He laughed and ordered his crew to find nearby inhabited island and went back to drinking. while Marco picked up the medical records again and had a nervous expression on his face.

"Zehahahaha~ if that Madara guy can defeat him and make him weak enough. Then i can steal his fruit easily."

It was no other than Marshall D Teach who have been hoping for Whitebeard to get badly injured.

Meeting Room, Royal Palace,

Óneiro Kingdom.

Madara stood up and went towards the door.

"Lets go Jinbe, watch it with your eyes." Madara said with excitement in his voice.

Jinbe followed Madara and both exited the room.

Dev looked at Elly and said.

"Get them private jet to Sydney base. From there they can take chopper to Whitebeard. Also make arrangements so this can be live streamed here."

Elly stood up and saluted Dev and also exited through the same door to make arrangements.

Dev turned his attention back to Neptune and Otohime who have been silent all this time.

"We will meet again here in 2 hours.

Till then you are free to enjoy our Palace. Please ask servants for your needs and it shall be done."

Saying this Dev also left the room. While Neptune and Otohime sat their for a minute without a sound. Neptune cursed himself internally as he thought his concerned he raised will potentially affect negatively and perhaps break his wife dream which is close. Meanwhile Otohime also had same thought but still didn't said anything to her husband.

Fleet Admiral Office, Marine HQ, MarineFord.

Currently, the content of surveillance record is being studied by the Fleet Admiral Sengoku, the Golden Buddha.

"A new kingdom and their diplomat challenged whole Whitebeard pirates by himself. And Whitebeard accepted it so easily!! Thats suspicious."

"Ara~ someone got overconfident." Said the who is peeking with one eye which is covered by eye blinder. He has a afro hair and lazy personality. He is the Marine Admiral Aokiji, the Blue Pheasant.

"Fu~ challenging Whitebeard pirates by himself is definitely suicidal." Says the man with ugly face with short beard and yellow glasses. He is Marine Admiral Kizaru, the Yellow Monkey.

"Who that bastard is being so overconfident" says the man with cigar in his mouth and with cap that spells 'Marine'. Its the Marine Admiral Akainu, the Red Hound.

"Bwahaha~ fighting Whitebeard pirates and alone. I wonder how strong or stupid is he" says the man while eating rice cracker and speaking at the same time. Causing them spread all over Sengoku's desk and annoying him. Its the Vice Admiral Monkey D Garp, the Marine Hero.

"Do we have any information on this new kingdom?" The question is asked by a woman in her old age who clearly has wrinkles all over face and white hair. This old woman is Vice Admiral Tsuru, The Great Staff Officer.

" We don't have any information about this new kingdom. Also we weren't able to track the location of the source and even the kingdom name is not mentioned. Its probably a new kingdom as even Jinbe and Whitebeard don't know about it. I'll task nearest ship to survey from afar and try to gather some information."

Sengoku said as he picks up his Den Den Mushi and gives his orders.

"Send the nearest ship for surveillance on Whitebeard under 2 hours. Tell them to do it from distance and use recording Den Den Mushi. The fight and the new person with them as usual." Sengoku gave his orders.

"We have only 1 ship that can make it there in time but it also have few world economic journal reporters. They might report it to their headquarters." The soldier on the other end said.

"It's okay, let them do it. It won't matter much to us. Whitebeard isn't a type of person who can be defeated by a random guy." Sengoku said and cut the call.

2 hours later....

A Blackhawk helicopter is seen approaching island where Whitebeard pirates are waiting for certain someone.

"Hey! What's that"

"There are humans in it with some helmet!"

"Thats loud!!!"

"Is this Óneiro Kingdom flying ship?"

As they approached closer, the pirates got curious about the flying vehicle. The chopper landed on the beach and dropped off Madara and Jinbe and took off to safe distance still observing the island.

The division commander are curiously looking at Madara and studying him. Madara didn't mind that and was directly looking in the eyes of his dancing partner.

(Okay, this came out wrong and it's doesn't mean in that way)

"Gurarara~ you were right Jinbe. You brought a monster with you." Whitebeard said while meeting the gaze of Madara.

The Division commanders were shocked by what they heard from their father.

"Oyaji, you don't mean this guy is strong as you right!!" Ace was the first one to come out of shock and ask him.

"Yeah. He is strong and equal to me."

Whitebeard words shocked his childrens even more.

"Equal? You are weak Edward. You are clearly past your prime."

Madara is purposely trying to get pirates to rile up.

"I maybe past my prime but i still am strong enough to defeat you brat. I AM WHITEBEARD." whitebeard said with a pride and slams his naginata end on the ground, creating a small shock waves.

This got Madara blood pumped up and he activates his Sharingan.

Everyone noticed the change in eyes of Madara. Jinbe who was the closest is the most surprised by this change.

"There's no fun fighting a man on his deathbed." Madara put his hand in his pocket and pull out Full potion from the Fūinjutsu seal. "Take this" and throws the full potion which is caught by Whitebeard.

"What's this?" Whitebeard asked while curiously looking at the Full Potion in his hand.

"This is a healing potion. Drinking or directly applying on yourself will heal you, even from the brink of death and restore you to your prime. Even the lost limbs can be healed."

This information shocked everyone present on the beach. A mysterious blue liquid which can bring back person to prime from the brink of death and even healing lost limb is impossible to exist.

"Oyaji!! Don't do it. There's no way this is possible!!" Marco, the ship doctor immediately rejected and advised his father to save him from falling in this random guy nonsense.

But Whitebeard using his observation haki can sense the intent and emotion of Madara of wanting to fight him at his full strength. Also Madara wasn't hiding, instead showing it like a open book.

Whitebeard believed in Madara and drank the Full Potion, not even leaving a single drop.

His children were concerned but they soon saw the old wounds on Whitebeard chest disappearing. Whitebeard aura getting changed and stronger and stronger. The Division Commanders who were with the the Whitebeard from the start of their crew journey could feel their father strength returning to his prime.

Whitebeard closed his eyes and sensed his own haki and found it came back to his prime. Even his body feels like in the old day when he used to fight with the pirate king.

The whitebeard pirates could not believe what they saw. They were happy that their father is strong again.

"Gurarara~ this is amazing. I am back to my prime. Now I'll fullfill your wish, Madara" Whitebeard said with a grin on his face.

"Jinbe, go to Moby Dick and keep it afloat. I am going to go all out" Whitebeard ordered jinbe.

Jinbe who was aged again with shock got his attention back and swim towards Moby Dick to keep it afloat.

Faraway was Den Den Mushi recording the fight and also streaming it back to Marine Headquarters. They were few reporters too, recording the island as well.

On the one side was Whitebeard pirates, with all Division Commanders and others strong pirates. With Whitebeard standing in the back.

On the other side was Madara. Looking forward with his Sharingan.

There was a total silence. Only the sound of wind blowing was heard. Madara's long hair is flowing in the direction of Wind.

The sky which was clear upto now was being covered by clouds. The shadows of cloud now covered whole of the island.

Madara started walking and increased his speed upto which he is considered to be running.


Whitebeard roared as sons and daughter rushed towards their foe while screaming with adrenaline.

Madara went straight through their ranks and started whooping everyone's ass there.

He is getting attacked from every direction but Madara is able to dodge and hit everyone with a enough force to knock them out of the fight. His Sharingan moving and looking at multiple pirates in a moment before moving forward to deal with rest of them.

As madara jumped through the cannon fodders, the stronger ones started coming after him. Teach came infront of him and about to strike Madara down with his metal claws when he momentarily looked into his eyes.

He saw his red glowing eyes with three tomoes and his body stopped for a moment. Giving Madara enough time to strike his face with such a force that he broke more of his teeth and Teach was dragged along the beach with his upper body burried and lower body sticking out.

Madara continued dancing as he strike pirates left and right. Vista of the flower swords made his move and tried to cut down madara. Vista made a downward strike with his right sword and Madara dodged by side stepping to the left. He made another strike with his left sword and Madara again dodged by side stepping to the right. Seeing Madara side stepping, he made horizontal slash with his right hand sword hoping to cut Madara in half. Madara ducked under the sword and rised up and kicking both the swords out of his hands and grabs Vista neck with his right hand.

Madara lifts him up while choking him and asks -

"Do you want to dance too?"

Vista confused by what Madara meant continued getting choked. But he was saved when his brother, a big bulky man covered in Diamonds rushed and hit Madara from left side hard enough that Madara was thrown away in the air.

Madara slid back on the ground as he got pretty much inside the island while fighting. Madara looked up and saw Jozu with whole of his body covered in Diamond except half of his face smirking at Madara that he got the first hit on Madara.

Madara rushed at Jozu with his Sharingan leaving a streak of red light behind. Jozu seeing Madara rushing at him made a defensive stance, being overconfident in his Devil Fruit and hoping to stop Madara strike and his momentum to get chance to smash him down with his diamond fists.

Madara came close and turned his right hand black with armament haki.

Jozu seeing it also covered the part of his body where Madara is going to hit with armament haki hoping both haki and diamond will be able to stop him.

Madara using chakra and haki to boost his attack punched Jozu so hard that even his haki covered diamond body got cracked and he got thrown away much further away than Madara was.

Other Divisions Commanders rushed after seeing getting one of their blowed out. Sensing strong members coming, Madara rushed at them with more of his blood pumping.

Multiple commanders were fighting against a lone man. Izou, the 16th division commander saw a opening and used haki covered bullet to shoot at Madara's head. Only for it to get blocked by a blue rib cage forming around Madara.

"Is this his Devil Fruit??" Ace asked seemingly to nobody. As he and others assumed the Sharingan was a species trait that change their eyes. Well they were somewhat right. For Jinbe, it was definitely 2 Devil fruits the moment he saw Madara change his eyes.

Back to the fight.

At that moment, a huge shadow covered Madara. It was huge boulder held by Jozu. He came back with blood visible from his mouth that he previously spilled from Madara's hit.

"TAKE THIS!!!" Jozu screamed and tried to crush Madara with the huge boulder.

Madara formed half body susanoo and punched the boulder away along with Jozu. The blue avatar of destruction screamed as it emerged from the dust.

The pirates were shocked but quickly came back to their sense and started attacking susanoo.

Izou and many other pirates used long range attack but they all failed to penetrate the moster and hurt the man inside. Everyone tried to hit susanoo physically but they kept getting swatting away like a fly from the two huge chakra swords on susanoo hand.

"Ace!!! Lets use that combo!!! Our individual attacks are not working!!" Marco screamed while dodging in the air.

"Lets do it!!!" Ace screamed back and both got into their position.

Madara noticed them and instead of attacking them. He stopped and glared at them with curiosity.

Taking it as a challenge, both of them rushed and used their Devil Fruit together to make combo attack.

"Blazing Pheonix: Thunderous Fire!!!"

The Blue flame and Orange flame combined to create a concentrated Red flame which rushed and got direct hit on susanoo. This attack had such a raw power that it was able to take out left upper part of susanoo and pushed it back away.

Instead of advancing it to next stage, Madara let go of the susanoo. He made signs on his hands and breath out fire that covered large area.

"Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation"

"He can use fire too!!!"

"He ate multiple Devil fruits!!!"

"How he got same ability as Ace!!"

Those were reaction of some of the pirates who were immersed in shock instead of defending themselves from the approaching sea of flames.

Both Ace and Marco jumped further away from each other and tried to stop the flames from hurting their crew members in the back.

But the the fire was too big of a area to cover and it was even able to overwhelm Ace too.

But suddenly, there were glass like cracks on the fire. The huge fire broke apart like a glass out of which came a something big and fast.

Finally Whitebeard decided to make a move and rushed Madara while pulling back his right hand which is covered in white halo.

He was so fast Madara didn't get enough time and was only able to form rib cage susanoo around his body. Sensing a immediate danger and death if not defended properly from incoming Whitebeard's fist. Madara covered susanoo in a strong advanced armament haki, making it go from blue to full black.

Whitebeard appeared in front of Madara and punched him HARD. The air cracked like a glass, the sea trembled and cried in front of his power, the trees bended down or some even rooted out in his respect.

Madara was not able to hold his ground and was sent flying away into the turbulent raging Sea.