Ch11: Whitebeard vs Madara

As Madara was blasted away to the sea, Whitebeard pirates had a look of anticipation to see what Madara would do after being thrown into the raging sea.

But to everyone's surprise, Madara Slide back and stood on the surface of water. Whitebeard narrowed his eyes as he saw Madara standing on water.

"He can stand on waterr!!!"

"He isn't affected by the curse of the sea!!"

These were the thoughts going on the minds of Whitebeard pirates.

Madara looked at Whitebeard and started laughing hysterically.



"Gurararara~ You are strong Madara. Now I'll give you battle you have been yearning for!!!" Whitebeard replied and covered his naginata with advanced armament haki and advanced conqueror haki. Madara too brought out his war fan and Scythe from Fuinjutsu seal and also covered them into advanced armament haki and advanced conqueror haki.

Madara blasted towards Whitebeard and brought down both of his weapon down on Whitebeard.

Whitebeard met his attack using upward slash with his naginata.

(A/N: this time, Whitebeard is on the ground doing upward strike like roger. Madara is on the air like Whitebeard doing downward strike)

Both attacks clashed but didn't meet. Both adversaries weapons are being pushed back by each other. The red electricity rose around them frantically. The surrounding trees blasted away. The ground uprooted itself. And the Heaven split itself in half. Many Whitebeard pirates simple got blasted away and only strong ones remained on the ground.

The scene in front of their eyes reminded older members of the past when certain man with a great moustache went toe to toe with their father. Even Whitebeard remembered this nostalgic memories and looking how the roles have reversed from the past.

Whitebeard grinned with his red glaring eyes.

Madara too grinned with his Red ETERNAL MANGEKYO SHARINGAN.

(A/N: its ETERNAL MANGEKYO SHARINGAN not Rinnegan in battle)

When old members saw their father face, they felt happy that their father is enjoying himself and is back to the prime how he was.

Then turned their gaze to Madara's face and it sent shiver down their spine. When Teach saw this face who was dug out by others and joined back a little while ago, his legs trembled a little.

Both Madara and Whitebeard tried to push each other but none of them moved a inch from their spot.

"Amazing!!! Only few can get my blood pumped!!!"



Whitebeard felt his opponent desire for a all out battle. And he too felt the same. The feeling Whitebeard is having now was lost when Gol D. Roger died and he got old. But now it's back thanks to this man and he can even go toe to toe with him. So of course Whitebeard reciprocated the desire for an all out battle.

Then finally both of them gave last push, the force between their weapons collapsed into itself and exploded. Pushing both of them back few meters away.

"All of you!! Go back to the ship. It's no longer a battle you can stay near to, let alone participate." Whitebeard gave warning to his sons and instructed them to go back.

As the side watchers are going back to the ship. They saw Whitebeard and Madara simply standing few meters away and looking at each other.

But they weren't just simply standing there, trying to measure each other. Instead they were having a battle.

Battle of Future Sight!!!

Both are trying to best each other in their Future Sight. Trying to gain upper hand and giving life threatening injuries.

After Whitebeard pirates got back on the ship. Madara signalled chopper to get more further away. As they chopper flew further away. Madara stopped using Future Sight and so did Whitebeard in return.

Whitebeard anticipating what move Madara is going to do was met with shock. He was hit by Conqueror haki of Madara.

' His Conqueror haki is stronger than Red Hair brat. Maybe strong as Roger'

Whitebeard grinned and he too released his Conqueror haki.

Both Conqueror haki clashed and even pushed back the Moby Dick which was far away.

The Whitebeard pirates were shocked to see the clash of Conqueror haki. But what was more shocking that Whitebeard was losing the clash.

"Your Haki is stronger than Roger!! But can you handle you this!!" Whitebeard said with a smirk and stabbed his naginata on the ground.

Madara stopped using Conqueror haki and looked at Whitebeard cautiously.

Whitebeard with both of his hand grabbed the frabic of space itself and pulled it down. Madara Activated his Rinnegan to defend himself from Awakened Devil Fruit attack.

The sea and island started to split and rise up at various angles. The chopper which was flying in the air almost drowned in the rised sea. The Moby Dick too rose in height, as well as the surveillance ship far away which has been there before the chopper came to the island.

Madara felt himself being torn apart as he too was also a part of fabric of space. But his Rinnegan and strong haki allowed him to negate this effects.

In the heightened island, the fight began again. Whitebeard rushed again with his naginata covered in advanced haki of armament and conqueror. Madara replied the same with his weapon again and they both again clashed in the middle. Madara used his war fan to change the direction of naginata force and redirect to the ground. And use his Scythe to pierce Whitebeard newly healed chest. As the blade was Scythe was just 2cm away, Madara felt danger as his left foot is being affected by a large force. Without looking away to his leg, he knew what happened.

The naginata he deflected towards the ground is infused with Whitebeard Devil Fruit. The white halo glowed on the blade and started to crack the space. Even if not in direct contact, the force behind it was strong enough to break surrounding completely.

Madara had to jump away in the same direction of the force and use his susanoo covered in haki to protect itself.

Whitebeard rushed again to strike and cleaved Madara into half with his Naginata but his half cut body smoked into the split log.

The real Madara rushed from behind to pierce Whitebeard shoulder with Scythe only for it be grabbed by handle and thrown in ground front of Whitebeard.

Whitebeard tried to stomp with Haki infused leg covered in White Halo. Only for it to be stopped by Madara's war fan which is also covered in haki.

What surprised Whitebeard is his Devil Fruit halo vanished as it wasn't there.

On successful blocking, Madara smirked and muttered "Uchiha Reflection"

Sensing Danger!!! Whitebeard tried to get way but it was too late as he got the taste of his own attack (or Devil Fruit) and he got blasted away in the air.

He reached the same height as the chopper and the chopper managed to capture Whitebeard face full of excitement.

Whitebeard is falling down and using his momentum in his advantage used his Naginata covered in Haki to brought down on Madara with full force.

Madara formed half body susanoo with two huge chakra swords covered in Haki.

Both Haki clashed again and both are still not touching each other.

Madara formed two more arms on the backside of susanoo and covered them in haki. He used both hands to punch Whitebeard square on with Strong Haki and blasted him away.

Whitebeard repositioned himself in the air and skid back on the ground with a blood dripping from corner of his mouth.

"Gurarara~ that was a nice punch Madara"

"As much as i would like to Dance with you more, it's getting late as we are currently in middle of Diplomatic talks. So how about we end it with our strongest attack"

"Is that so? Then I won't hold back!!! Come at me with Full power or you'll be Dead!!"

Whitebeard said as he focused his entirety of Haki on his Naginata along with full power Devil fruit, Giving it concentrated white glow as it was light itself.

"Lets see who will be at death's door then!!!" As Madara said that, he Formed Complete Susanoo.

Standing tall and big enough to make island look like nothing more than a small backyard. Making Whitebeard the size of his foot. Looking down on him like a insect but he fully well knows that isn't insect but the current strongest man in the world.

This shocked not only pirates and marines nearby but also the people sitting inside Conference room. Especially Elly knowing full well how much he held back against her and the others.

But all of them are about to get more shocked as Susanoo changed into black color as it got covered in strong armament haki and pulled out huge chakra sword and covered it too in black with advanced armament haki and advanced conqueror haki as the red electricity danced around it.

The susanoo held the sword above his head, intending to swing it down with full force.

Seeing this Marco couldn't sit back and changed into full pheonix and rush at his father at full speed.

The Susanoo brought down his sword.

The naginata rised up.

Knowing holding back will only bring demise and disrespect each other, both attacked at each other with full power.



Both screamed each other's name and theirs attack met. The force so strong it blasted away approaching Marco back into the Moby Dick and he crashed into his brothers.

The chopper lost its control and started spinning down uncontrollably but fortunately it managed to gain control back and save itself.

The ships were hit hard and pushed back.

Whitebeard was only able to stand few moments against susanoo attack until he got overwhelmed.

The sword came down and hit the island, completely destroying the island and breaking it into many pieces. Out of which came a spinning object which lodged itself in the mainmast of the Moby Dick but no one seemed to noticed as there attention was somewhere else.

On a broken island was a man lying on his back. Both of his arms missing like it was ripped off. With one leg missing and exposed hole in his chest that showed a weak heart as its beats seemed to get weaker and weaker as seconds passes by.

Near the man came another man with long black hair, with cloths torn and bit injured body but seemingly better than the man lying on the ground.

Whitebeard breathed weakly as his breath sounded like a weak whistle.

"It seems you are the one at the Death's door." Madara said calmly as he stood near the dying man.

Whitebeard didn't replied and just turned his head sideways. It wasn't that he hated Madara for it. He gave him the lost feeling of his prime back and a good fight with a respect. With this, his sons won't have much attention as before.

Looking at the distance at his ship and his sons for the last time.

Remembering the happy moments with his family.

Remembering the love for each other.

Remembering the bond that was made and stood in their adventures life.

Remembering his family.

A small tear left Whitebeard's eye as his eyes started to get tired and his vision dark. And the heartbeat becoming slow on the verge of stopping.

Madara bend down on his knee near Whitebeard and said.

"Wake the fuck up Edward!

You have a family to cherish!"

As saying that, Madara poured the Full Potion on his chest.

Whitebeards arms are being regenerated, his leg growing back, the hole in his chest closing with his heartbeat getting faster, stronger and louder. Lights returning to his eyes and his vitality being filled to the brim.

"Thank you for saving my life and giving me more time to spend time with my family" Whitebeard said while still laying down in a thankful voice.

Madara smiled and stood up on his legs. He offered his hand for Whitebeard to grab which he did and Madara pulled him up.

"That was good fight Edward. Lets dance again sometime in the future"

Madara said while healing his own body with medical jutsu.

"Gurarara~ I'll take you on Dance anytime you want."

As both Madara and Whitebeard came out seemingly unscathed, the chopper came down to pick both of them up.

Madara and Whitebeard boarded the chopper, although Whitebeard keep his head as to not to hit high speed rotating blades. Inside, the crew went full fanboy over their fight.

"That was awesome fight sir!!"

"We almost got knocked while were so far away, thats an amazing power sirs!"

"That blue giant with so much destruction and haki is definitely the scene i won't forget."

" You split the sea and rose them up so high along with the island. That was a impossible feat you did sir!!"

Both Madara and Whitebeard laughed and humbled the crew happily.

The chopper landed on Whale head of Moby Dick where Whitebeard pirates rushed to see their father coming out of the chopper perfectly fine just like before the fight began. They were relieved to see their father in good health and immediately asked the biggest question.

"Oyaji, you beat Madara and won right?" Ace asked like he wanted to hear the answer that he desired or satisfies. All the sons of Whitebeard looked at Whitebeard with the same look.

"Gurarara~ I lost" Whitebeard said with no shame as there wasn't any. He accepted the fact as an Warrior and Man whether he loses or wins.

"Thats impossible!!" Came the reply from Marco and other division commanders at the same time.

Madara stepped forward and calmy pointed at the top of mainmast." Look there and you all will believe it"

Everyone turned their head and looked up towards the mainmast. What they saw shocked them to their core with their eyes wide opened.

It was Whitebeard's Naginata lodged on the wood with both of Whitebeard's ripped arm holding it with strong grip. Clearly showing the strength put behind the last attack.

Everyone looked back at Whitebeard and Madara.

"Gurarara~ he healed me again on the death's door." Whitebeard said with a laugh while walking towards the mainmast. He punched the mainmast and the naginata came down and Whitebeard caught it with one hand. Well three hands as ripped arms still held on the handle with crushing grip. Whitebeard seperated both of his old arms and ordered Ace to burn it.

"So it does heal the lost limbs too" Marco muttered in shock. As everyone clearly heard even when he said it in low voice.

They all had mixed feelings going on inside their heart. First one was anger that someone hurt their father so much and brought him to the door of death.

Other was of happiness their father was healed back to full health with all of his limbs and in prime condition by that man.

Marco stepped forward, followed by others. They all bowed and said in loud voice.


As an pirate, they should not bow down to others but if it's for their father, they don't mind doing it.

Taken aback by their reaction, Madara just waved his hand

"I was the one who requested for the spar so no need to thank me"

Ace looked up and asked questions which everyone seems to forgot.

"How did you able my Devil fruit ability and stronger than me?"

Marco also asked related questions

"Yeah, and you also made that giant blue monster and walk on water"

These questions grabbed everyone's attention including Whitebeard.

"That wasn't Devil Fruit and neither i have eaten one" Madara replied as they were just some simple words but for others it wasn't.

"What!! Then how were you able to do all these abilities" Ace asked with full curiousity.

"You world has 2 major power source namely Haki and Devil fruit. While as you guys may know we are from different world, we have other power sources. The one i used is called chakra and it uses a part spiritual energy like haki. It gives us various ability like to use The five basic Nature Transformations consisting of Fire, Water, Lightning, Wind, and Earth, which are the elemental chakra natures and form the foundation. As well walking on water, storing stuffs inside seals or scrolls and other various abilities."

The Whitebeard pirates along with Jinbe are shocked to hear about the capabilities and flexibility of Chakra and its benefits.

"Does everybody in your kingdom has this ability?" Marco asked which again got everyone's attention.

"No. Only selected few know how to use chakra. And we won't share this technique to outsiders" Madara replied flatly as he can easily read the next question in everyone eyes. Who wouldn't want to get their hands on this other worldy powers.

Knowing they were caught, they shamelessly rubbed back of their head and laughed nervously.

" Well thats sad, How about you stay with us for party. It will also be celebration for Oyaji returning to his prime and healthy." Ace said with excitement and invited Madara for a party that they liked to do.

"Gurarara~ he right, Madara. Stay with us for a party. It wouldn't be possible without you." Whitebeard also invited Madara to celebrate together and party with full enthusiasm.

"As much i would like to join your celebration. Our Kingdom is currently in middle Diplomatic talks with Ryugu Kingdom and my presence is required." Madara replied in apologetic tone.

Hearing this, everyone's mood downed a little.

"However" Madara said and started walking back to the chopper and brings out 4 Barrels.

"Knowing how Pirates like to party, especially your's group. I have brought 4 different kinds of alcohol as an gifts from His Majesty, our King Dev Óneiro for accepting my request as well as a sign of goodwill."

Hearing this the previous downed mood is swept over by bigger happy and excited mood. Tasting alcohol of different world is surely gonna be good experience and who knows how good it would be.

"Gurarara~ Give our Thanks to your King. We would like to visit your kingdom someday." Whitebeard gave his appreciation for the gifts.

"Our Kingdom is currently closed and not ready for outside world. When we are ready, you'll know." Madara explained the situation of the Kingdom.

"I see. How about we exchange Den Den Mushi number so we can contact each other in the future." Whitebeard said with a hope to get strong ally and sparring partner .

"You can give yours. We use different technology for communication and currently working to get it working with Den Den Mushi. So I'll contact you later and give my number."

Madara replied.

As such Whitebeard gave his personal number as well common number used by the Whitebeard pirates group as a whole.

"Well, we should get going now. Come on Jinbe lets go" Madara as he started to board the chopper and Jinbe who has been silent all this time also boarded the chopper.

"Oyaji! Guys! I'll be going now. I'll talk you guys about my experience later."

"Edward! Get stronger so we can have our next dance."

"Gurarara~ we will be waiting for you Jinbe. And Madara, next time you'll be the one on the ground" Whitebeard said last words with a grin.

And so the chopper took off to distance, purposely going nearby another ship and then back to the home.

As the chopper went passby the Marine reconnaissance ship, Madara was peeking from the open door with his Sharingan active and glaring at the people on the ship.

Reporters and Marines were able to capture his looks with Sharingan active.

The chopper rose and vanished into the clouds, going back home.

"Huh? Jinbe you seemed to aged again"