
Regret and Loss

Kurai would've thought that he'd be happy that Abyss left him alone, but somehow the entity had retreated to such a deep part of him that he'd removed any and all traces of himself, even the ones whose existence Kurai hadn't been aware of.

It left a large part of him feeling hollow and when they finally returned to camp, he retreated into his tent with the flimsy excuse of needing to recover his energy before breaking the curse on the creatures now that the slavers were gone.

Hozumi had tried to follow him, but Kurai was grateful when Liam managed to calm her down after throwing him a knowing look and he firmly closed the flaps before collapsing onto his bed with one of his arms covering his eyes.

Too much had happened since Lin informed him about his parents and his past and he wanted nothing more than to go to sleep and forget everything.