
The Missing Eons

The desk he saw seemed to be like any other normal desk that one would find in the world. It was filled with books, scrolls, and papers, but what really caught his eye was the gigantic book that lay on top of the desk.

Something seemed to draw him to it, so he hesitated for only a moment before he walked closer to it. The title of the book suddenly caught his attention and his eyes widened in shock as he rushed toward it, but the moment he tried to touch it, a voice echoed in his mind causing him to freeze, "Stop."

For a moment he thought he was hearing things, so he tried to move forward once more, but then the voice spoke again, "You aren't ready yet!"

He stopped once more, unable to really believe his ears, "Abyss?"

He could practically see his alter ego roll his eyes as he answered, his voice sounding clearer by the minute, "Who else would it be? Unless you've managed to pick up a stray or two while I was away."