
Floor 1 Dungeon

Even though Kurai had thought himself ready for the dungeon after scaling the tower up to level 60, he soon realized that Abyss was hell-bent on not only making sure that he survived but also that he would clear it in the least amount of time and it was then that he learned of Abyss' competitive streak as Abyss informed him that it would be a greater test of his skill if he were to do the dungeon alone.

Both Liam and Hozumi naturally opposed this, but despite his misgivings about the idea, he found that he'd come to trust Abyss' judgment, so Kurai managed to persuade them that it would give them two chances at the relic.

The two finally relented when Kurai admitted that the Necrotne kit, who had finally admitted to liking the name Nila, would be going with him, and given that he'd cleared out a slavers' camp by himself with Abyss' help, it made more sense for Hozumi and Liam to pair up.