
Floor 1 Dungeon Part 2

Before the gold, silver, and copper chests stood a pedestal with writing on it and he had to squint to be able to make out the faded text before he swiped a hand over it to try and remove the dust and sand that it had accumulated.

It made the words easier to read and he realized that it was a riddle that he then read out loud:


Three choices before you lay,

The first to keep the thieves at bay,

The second may serve you at its best,

The third to help you on your quest.


As he finished saying the riddle, a panel slid out revealing three keys that were colored to match the chests, and right above them, as if poised to strike, were three scorpion statues. 

Kurai instinctively knew that the scorpions would sting those who were greedy enough to try and take all three keys so he turned back to the riddle.