
Abyssal Plains of the Lost

Contrary to what Kurai thought, the sanctuary that the woman spoke of was a lot closer to the city than he believed and they entered a strange rock formation about 30 minutes outside of the city when riding a mount, which Karmina easily seemed to procure for them.

It was nothing much at first sight, merely something that could be used as a marker within the landscape, but then Kurai realized that it seemed to become bigger the closer they came to it. 

Finally, they reached the steep slope of the hill and the woman dismounted before stepping forward, and to Kurai's astonishment, she reached forward and slid her hand in between the rocks before lightly pulling, and suddenly an opening revealed itself as she pulled the concealing energy away, much like a celebrity parting a curtain to go backstage.

The world beyond the curtain was dark, but Abyss didn't hesitate as he guided the mount forward and into the darkness.