
Hold Your Friends Close...

The king immediately gave the signal for the guards to take their stations at all doors to stop anyone from leaving the room, but Kurai shook his head, making them pause, "There's no need for that."

He stepped closer to the ashes as a sickly hum sounded from it and crouched down with a frown, "No one else currently in this room carries the signature so it seems they were sent in alone to gather intel. They probably decided to act out on their own and something or someone clearly didn't like it."

As he spoke, Kurai subtly motioned to the three figures at the back of the room who were trying to leave now that Kurai had stopped the king from sealing the room and Taya and Reese gave a subtle nod of their heads before they seemed to disappear along with Liam.

Having Nila around truly made it much easier to track down the worried ones.