
To the Dungeons

Once Emmy managed to attune the rings to his power, it was quite anti-climatic as Kurai returned to the second area to get rid of the taint.

He was glad that he was alone with only Abyss and Aether as witnesses when they cast 'Seradeihn's Blessing' though because the rings amplified the ability a lot more than Kurai first expected it would and he took to keeping the rings in his inventory instead of on his person since Emmy had gifted them to him.

He then walked to the barrier and wrote a sequence of runes that he'd seen when he learned what he needed to do to open the barrier, and a moment later the barrier shattered, revealing a mass of adventurers just waiting to get into the new zone.

Kurai shook his head, relieved that he'd at least warned the king of the massive influx of adventurers and that he'd warned his people in turn, because from where Kurai was standing, it almost looked like a mass invasion.