
The Serpent Temple

They entered the temple one by one through the holes in the ceiling and Taya and Reese immediately started looking about for the treasure the snake had spoken about followed by the rest of the group. 

Kurai, however, paused as he glanced around, only for his eye to catch something on one of the walls that seemed to be half-hidden by grime.

He swam closer and rubbed his hand over it, causing some of it to come loose, and his eyes widened as he realized that it seemed to be a mural of sorts.

He frantically started rubbing at the wall to reveal more of the picture until none of the grime remained before swimming back to look at the entirety of the mural.

It depicted faceless gods looking down upon a world filled with gigantic monsters, whom he assumed to be the lesser gods, and they all seemed to be fighting each other for some reason.