
The Decision

Kurai hesitated for a moment, "We don't know what will happen to the people on earth, you know that, right?"

Lin nodded, "I know, that is why my family is going to link up with the headset I am using so that they can see what is going on over here while also keeping us informed of what is happening over there."

"And they can't use the headset that you've been using so far because?" Kurai had a feeling he knew why, but he needed her to confirm it.

Which she did, "That headset is beyond repair now. I don't know why but that trick I pulled last time basically fried it. I had to find both a new chip and I had to make a new headset, but luckily I had already printed one before so it was easy to make a new one."

Kurai nodded then sighed, "As much as I want you here, I still can't be the one to tell you what to do though, that is going to be something you need to decide on your own."