
Finding Middle Ground

Kurai glanced at his companions, "Rest for tonight. If this area follows the pattern that I believe it does, then we will have to collect three parts of a key this time while trying to find the full story behind the war between the two groups. We will regroup early tomorrow and make our way to one group to get their side of the story before we make our way to the other one after that. We may need to stay a few days at each site to gain their trust first, but we mustn't make enemies out of either of the groups."

His friends nodded before they made their way home, leaving Kurai, Rome, and Lira behind with the king and the prince.

Kurai turned to Rome first, "How are you coping?"

The other man shrugged, "Strangely enough, I feel more in control than ever. Where it felt caged and restless within the compound, it seems as if it has calmed down now that we are finally out of that place."