

As they made their way back to the throne room, Kurai couldn't help but look around the place some more since he was sure that he would never receive the opportunity again, unless he ended up in hell himself that is.

He shuddered at the thought.

As nice as Lilith was, he was sure that her personality probably totally changed when it came to the people they were supposed to punish, but he didn't have time to think about it for long because they soon entered the castle once more. 

The throne room was strangely empty this time, but Kurai didn't pay much mind to it since he didn't know how things worked in hell at all.

For all he knew they probably took naps around this time.

It was a funny thought, but not one that he had the guts to say out loud.

When they approached the throne, however, something told him that Lucifer really wasn't happy about something and he had a feeling he knew what it was.