
Battle Aura

The man, whom Kurai assumed was named Wright, stared him up and down for a moment before he turned toward Rebecca with a stern look on his face, "You and your sister were at it again. How many times have I told you that Battle Aura is used to focus and hone a single craft? Once it is attuned, you will be unable to use it for another purpose. Do you really want to waste your choice now that the fighting has stopped?"

Rebecca squared her shoulders and stared at he father defiantly, "I want to become a great warrior so that I can go on adventures and see the world like you once did and Battle Aura will help with that. You know that Mia has the same dream as well, so we would at least have each other's backs."

The older man sighed as if they were simply repeating an argument that had occurred many times in the past and turned back to Kurai, "How are you able to see the Battle Auras? Is it an ability that you received? Or did you train yourself to gain the sight?"