
Failing at Hide and Go Seek

The hill that Thane spoke of, turned out to be a cliff behind the castle and Kurai almost wanted to ask Nila to see whether she could jump onto the castle roof, only for Thane to stop them as Nila was getting ready to jump, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. The Lich set up a barrier not too long ago when it figured out that arrows could still reach the castle, so he cast a barrier around the castle that greatly slows down speeding projectiles. If you were to have Nila jump over, we might end up smacking into the barrier or we might get stuck in it."

Kurai frowned, "So, how are we going to be able to see the Lich? It's not like he has some kind of neon sign hovering above his head saying 'I am the Lich you are looking for' or something like that."