
Onward to the Dwarven Castle

It took a few moments for Thane to realize what he was implying before the other man let out a chuckle of his own, "Interesting, I'm starting to like your companion more and more. Shall we be off then?"

Kurai nodded, only to be stopped by a hand on his arm and he found Lin standing behind him with arms crossed while tapping her foot in clear irritation, he winced, which caused her gaze to soften slightly before she sighed, "You know, I'm so used to you always coming to me for advice that I've forgotten for how long you've been in here already. You've changed, in a good way I mean."

She stepped back and glanced around the village, "I will see what I can do here and wait for you to return," she glanced back at him, "but if you take too long then I will be sure to contact both the king and Zane personally and tell them that you are in mortal danger, as well as a few other friends you've managed to make recently."