
Saving The Dwarves

Lilith stayed to chat for only a little while longer before she excused herself to speak to Lucifer about a temporary alliance. Kurai somehow knew that the devil wouldn't be very happy about it, but just as the council official seemed to see the wisdom in his words, Lilith soon returned to reveal that Lucifer had agreed to a temporary truce if the heavenly beings could hold up their end as well.

The heavenly beings didn't immediately return with an answer though, so Kurai and his friends decided to head toward the Dwarven Castle, which naturally meant that they had to go through the woods, but even though they could feel many things watching them, nothing dared to attack them and they were all sure that it was due to Kurai's new look.

On the other side of the forest, they were finally able to see the castle once more and they proceeded more carefully as they kept an eye out for the slavers that were supposed to be there, only to encounter none.