
"That email?!" I thought With a shocked expression on my face,

"Judging by your expression, you seem to know about us. Did you read that email? We are still awaiting your reply to our invitation" Kurogane said.

Damn it, my thoughts are written all over my face. With a calm expression, I began to speak.

"Email? I don't know what you are talking about. Besides my inbox is filled with a lot of spam emails I don't know which email you are talking ab-"

"No(iye), you certainly read the email. That too thoroughly" Kurogane interrupted with a heavy response, narrowing his eyes.

"This guy is perceptive," I thought to myself.

The flow of this conversation, it's definitely not going to end well. I need to do everything I can to avoid getting involved in any mess.

"That's not good Araki-kun, you told me to stop playing dumb but here you are acting like you don't know," Kurogane said sarcastically.

"How are you so confident, That I read it thoroughly?" I asked while glaring at him.

He can easily confirm whether I've read the email or not through a read receipt, but that doesn't mean I read its contents. There's a high chance I could have dismissed it as spam without reading it. Even a single peek can be considered a read receipt. So, how can he be so certain that I read it thoroughly?

"Of course, I'm confident about it because I saw you standing in the middle of the road, completely absorbed in reading the email after your phone dropped because of me. Is there any other way to explain it?"

What? He saw me while reading? But how? From where did he see me? at the very least, I am sure he wasn't anywhere near me. Am I missing something?

Wait, did he just say "Because of me." Realizing what it means, my expression swiftly changed into a smile

"Hmph, I see, you're that guy who bumped* into me, aren't you?"

"So you finally caught on", he replied with a cunning smile

no wonder I didn't notice him, At that time I was running late home and that email grabbed all my attention, that's why I didn't notice his footsteps. So that means he is watching me from the moment I received that email.

"So why didn't you reply yet?, the HQ is awaiting your re-"

"No need to tell that nonsense, just cut to the chase already and tell me what you want from me" I interrupted with a straight face.

Kurogane gave a brief smile after hearing my response,

"As always, you don't like to waste your time. To be honest, I also don't like to do this formally and it's a waste of time."

"So what do you want from me?"

Kurogane takes a deep breath and releases,

"I will get straight to the point, I want you to participate in the experiment, Araki Kun"

"So you are telling me to become a guinea pig in your experiment."

"Haha, that's an amusing way to put it. But that's not what I am saying"

"I refuse."

"What? "

"As I said, I refuse to participate. You must know it very well since you followed me all these days, I am not interested, and besides It-"

"It's a waste of time, of course, I know it very well. But, who told you that you have the option to refuse? " Kurogane shot down my response.

"What are you trying to say? " I replied, narrowing my gaze.

"Say Araki Kun, why do you think I followed you all these days if all I meant to do was just to invite you? "

That's true, if all he meant was just to invite me he should have done it right away after I ignored that email. There is no need for him to follow me all these days just for that small reason. Then, why is he following me? Is there any other reason for it?

"Normally, I should not tell you this but I will make an exception for you. The moment you got that email you have already witnessed our company's secrets, our experiment where you can remember your dreams and control your actions, We didn't make it public yet. Since you already know about it you don't have a choice to reject it"

"huh!? You are the guys at fault, I didn't ask you to send me your secret-"

"As for the other question, Why I am following you" Kurogane interrupted with a heavy tone reply.

He is completely ignoring me. That means he doesn't care about my answer.

"Since you already know our secrets, what do you think will happen if you disclose or tell about that email to other people? "

Don't tell me(masaka)

"You will..... Kill me? " maintaining a cool expression, I responded with a low voice, although I can feel a drop of sweat running down my cheek.

"Haha, you are wrong, you are wrong. What do you take us for? Don't worry, we don't kill you. But we will make sure to silence the people with whom you have shared the contents of the email" Kurogane said in a chilling tone

"So you will kill after all"

"That's how it is( soyukoto). That's why I followed you, to ensure that the details of the experiment aren't leaked"

The air around us suddenly turned heavy. I never expected that this conversation would take such a dangerous turn.

"That's quite dangerous, isn't it? Nobody warned me not to disclose that email to anyone. What if I accidentally told anyone by mistake? " I voiced my concern, trying to grasp the intensity of the situation.

"That's your fault, Araki Kun, you didn't reply to our email, So you didn't know about that besides you didn't tell anyone right?"

I narrowed my eyes, standing silently

"I told you everything I have been up to, So participate in the experiment. " Kurogane asked seriously.

"What if I insist on rejecting? "

"Hmm, so you really don't want to take part, that's unfortunate," Kurogane said with a disappointed look.

Did he convinced by that?

"There is no helping it then, Araki Kun if I recall correctly your parents live in Shinjuku rig- "

I stepped forward, my hand instinctively grabbing his collar, and with a deadly gaze, I looked at him. Our surroundings became silent all of a sudden, and I spoke with a heavy tone.

"I didn't hear it quite right. What did you just say? " I asked while giving a death stare

"Don't make me repeat myself, I think you understand what I'm implying here very well " Kurogane replied with the same tone.

I narrowed my eyes and tightened my grip on his collar, but then I released my hands, letting go of his collar.

"Well, let's calm down for a second, I believe you understand that you're in no position to reject our invitation. If you don't cooperate, we need to harm your family to ensure your participation "

"Threat huh, isn't that a dirty play coming from you," I said with a disgusting tone

"Adults have their own ways of handling things, young boy," Kurogane replied with a hint of condescension in his voice.

"hmmph, isn't killing me would be the best and quickest way to avoid any leakage and disagreement? " I asked

"No. You are a very valuable sample for our experiment. We won't kill you, but if you leak anything about us, we will eliminate the other person and make sure you live along with that guilt, you have to suffer your entire life knowing that someone has died because of you" Kurogane stated with a chilling tone.

"That's quite an outrageous policy you guys follow," I said sarcastically.

"That's why you have no choice but to participate and I don't think you have any demerits here. Because we are offering you to grant your wishes if you participate-"

"Regarding that. How much of that part is real?"

"How much if you ask? Everything is true"

"Is really participating is enough for you to grant my wishes?" I asked without hesitation with a straight face.

Kurogane's eyes narrowed

"I don't think I have an answer for that, but it's clear that, if you don't participate you won't get anything instead you might lose something valuable, what do you say? A-r-a-k-i Kun"

This guy keeps reminding me that he will harm my family if I don't take part in it. He has completely cornered me. I don't have any cards to play anymore, or rather, I didn't have any cards from the beginning. This situation is unavoidable ever since I received that email. I am already involved in this mess. There is no choice left, I have to accept it.

I let out a deep sigh, accepting the reality of the situation, and made up my mind to confront it head on.

"Looks like you're really determined to fulfill my wishes. Fine. I accept it. I will participate in the experiment. However, promise me that you won't lay a finger on my family. Is that clear?"

Kurogane's smirk widened, sensing his victory

"You're usually cold-hearted when it comes to friendships and dating, but you unexpectedly have a soft spot for your family, huh?"

"Shut up(damare), that's not an answer" I retorted sharply

"Very well, I promise you. I won't even look at your family. It seems we have a deal. Others have accepted without resistance, and you were the only one left," Kurogane responded, his voice carrying a hint of satisfaction.

"Others? Are there other people too?"

"Of course, there are other people as well. We can't rely on a single person to achieve good results."

"I have some questions, why did you select me? what are going to do in the experiment? also what is the purpose-"

"Hold on for a moment, I cannot answer your questions regarding the experiment publicly"

"Then tell me, why did you choose me for your experiment?" I asked, seeking a direct answer.

Kurogane paused for a moment, considering my request.

"Honestly, I don't know why they selected you either. The professor handpicked the participants from this region. He monitors your dreams and chose individuals who showed potential and unique abilities, and perhaps you possess an ability that piqued the professor's interest."

"monitors? Are you saying you can spectate other people's dreams?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Oops, it seems like I let slip something that shouldn't have been said. Don't worry, there's no need for you to know, and also I am not obliged to answer" Kurogane responded casually.

Maybe I'm just overthinking things, but it seems like they're hiding something. If my intuition is correct, then this experiment is definitely bad news. But there's no backing down now.

"If you have suspicions about our organization, don't worry. We will explain everything about the experiment at the venue."

"It's getting even more suspicious and that's not reassuring at all"

"Don't say that, Well then, Since I answered your first question, I also have a question for you" Kurogane asked nonchalantly

"What is it?"

"It might be a little late for this" Kurogane hesitated

"Just spit it out already. What is it?"

"How did you figure out that I was following you? I made sure to change my disguise and alter my appearance, ensuring that you wouldn't notice me." Kurogane asked with a serious look.

Silence grew between us for a while, his question left me blank. collecting my thoughts in one place I began speaking,

"You... You really have awful timing, don't you? Isn't it already too late for that?"

"I am well aware of that, but my job comes first before my personal curiosity. So, how did you figure it out?" Kurogane asked with a straight face despite his weird timing.

I explained to him in detail how I had noticed his presence by observing his loafers and the distinct sound of his footsteps, recounting everything that had led me to realize he was following me. Including the strategies I had implemented to catch him without his knowledge.

"So you're saying that my footsteps gave away my presence? Seriously?"

"It might sound unbelievable, but your unique footsteps give away your presence. I noticed the distinct rhythm and pattern of your steps, which helped me identify your presence."

Upon hearing my answer, Kurogane burst into laughter, startling me a bit.

"Hahaha...Wonderful(subarashi), to think I got caught in such an easy way. I thought no one will notice my footwear and loafers will go well with office disguises so I didn't change them but looks like I underestimated you, No wonder my disguises were futile."

"Well it wasn't easy actually" I replied silently

"You are really an interesting person. I see. I am starting to get why that person sees you so special" Kurogane said.

"That person?"

"Nothing. I was just talking to myself. So, once again"

Kurogane extended his hand, offering a handshake.

"On behalf of DreamLink Corp.(DLC), I appreciate your cooperation and I welcome you to take part in our experiment, Araki Kun"

I extended my left hand and interlocked it with his hand in a firm handshake.

I don't know what we are going to do in this experiment, or what is their purpose and I still have my doubts about the part where they said they will fulfill our wishes. On top of that this whole experiment is suspicious, I still have many questions, but I am sure from now on I will find their answers one by one Because my life is going to take an irreversible turn now. But whatever the case.....

"Let me be clear, I am not doing this willingly. don't you dare forget the promise you made Got it?"

"Of course, I am also not willing to break our deal. I, Kurogane Tatsuya, am a man who stands by his word. I will do my very best to uphold my promise".

If they dare to disrupt my daily life,

I Will Make Sure to Destroy the Whole Organization and Make Certain That They Regret Every Single Thing They Have Inflicted Upon Me

next time, chapter 4: Countdown