
After that conversation, I exchanged contact information with Kurogane and headed straight home. I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Even though only two hours had passed, it felt like an incredibly long and exhausting day, and that's how my Sunday ended. But that didn't mean it was over. There would be more days like this in the future, filled with uncertainty and fear. And that future wasn't too far away—it was looming just around the corner.

[September 28th,2025- 30 minutes back]


"That's right. On October 5th, which is next Sunday, we will commence our experiment, and the details of the experiment will be revealed during the seminar."

"Exactly one month after that email, huh," I muttered in a low voice.

"That's why I want you to open your schedule on that day because you need to attend the seminar, and you'll be testing our product. That's all I can say about it."

"What about the venue? Where should I go?"

Kurogane paused for a second recollecting his thoughts, then started speaking with a smile.

"Ah, regarding that matter, don't worry. I will send my men to pick you up, and of course, after the seminar, they will drop you back home," Kurogane said with assurance

"It almost sounds like you're asking for my consent before kidnapping me," I responded with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"Hahaha, you really have a nice sense of humour," Kurogane said, laughing.

"Shut up(damare)," I replied instantly.

"Well then, I will see you again on next Sunday"

[present-september 28th, 2025-8:55 pm]

"October 5th, huh," I said to myself, lying on my bed.

I have a vague idea about the experiment based on what Kurogane had told me. First, there would be a group of people participating in the experiment besides me—well, that was obvious. Second, Kurogane mentioned something about testing their product, so fortunately, they weren't conducting any human experiments, That reduced one of my suspicions and We are going to be testing their product. And third...

"We can remember our dreams and control our actions, is that really possible?" I questioned myself.

We are In 2025, the things that seemed impossible 10 years ago are becoming true one after one. Science and technology are advancing day by day, and virtual reality (VR) is developing to the point where it can transform into reality. So, it's not strange if humans try to conquer dreams and turn them into reality. It is a possible thing.

If DLC* did indeed invent a product that enables us to conquer our dreams, I can understand why they are not making it public and why they are hiding it from the government and other companies. If word gets out, there would surely be individuals who would want to get their hands on that technology. Other companies might attempt to steal their data, potentially leading to a loss of their profits. If we consider the situation carefully, it is possible for such events to occur if they publicize their research.

[ Writer note-DLC-DreamLink Corporation]

But this is just my optimistic thinking. Perhaps there is another reason for them to keep this experiment hidden from the public. They might be planning something outrageous behind the scenes. We simply don't know what the future holds in store for us. Anything is possible.

I am a realist, and that's why I consider worst-case scenarios in this matter. If I know how to deal with them beforehand I can utilize the remaining time on thinking about what to do next. It's just the way I approach things usually and that's the kind of person I am.

"There isn't... much... time. I need to... hurry," I struggled to speak those words, feeling the urgency in my voice. Overwhelmed by exhaustion, I was drawn to sleep, closing my eyes and calling it a day. Today was really a long day.

October 5th,  the day when I will finally get my answers. There isn't much time left to think. I need to prepare myself for the worst because...


[September 29th,2025]

It's Monday, and I'm on my way to school. The constant sound of footsteps that I used to hear whenever I was out has finally come to a halt. I believe even Kurogane knows that I won't disclose any details, despite him not following me, because my parents are on the line here.

I arrived at school and took my seat in the classroom. The teacher came, and the homeroom class began. After two periods, the break finally arrived, giving me a chance to strategize before the seminar.

"Let's revise everything before thinki-"

"Don't stop me Kasumi"

As I was going deep in thought, I heard a loud voice that seemed to be yelling, coming from outside.

"Please listen to me hina-chan, Don't go"

Two girls entered the classroom, approaching me while engaged in their conversation. One of them was...

"Sanehara Kasumi? Why? " I thought, surprised

If you don't know her, don't worry. It's not your fault because I was the one who asked you not to remember her. She was the girl who confessed to me on the day I received that email.

The girl who was with Sanehara approached my seat along with her,


She slammed my bench with her left hand, standing in front of me and started speaking,

"Araki, Can I have a moment? " She said

Sawada Hinako, one of my classmates, if I recall correctly, She is often seen with Sanehara, and they are supposedly best friends, or so I've heard from others. I don't pay attention to other people's relations, So, in this matters I can only rely on what I've heard. She's not exactly dressed formally, with her top button unbuttoned and wearing a short skirt, and has a side ponytail. If I say so she is your typical gyaru type. The exact opposite to Sanehara, 

So What brings her here?

"Araki, Is it true that you have rejected Kasumi?" Sawada asked with a heavy tone

"Looks like you also* have an awful timing, it's been three weeks why does it matt-?"

"Just answer my question, did you reject her?"

"hina-chan, stop this, I said I am fine"

"No, you're not fine, Kasumi. I see you every day and I've noticed you crying on the rooftop during lunch. Whenever I try to ask you what happened, you always avoid the conversation." Sawada shouted.

The class suddenly fell silent, and my classmates began paying attention to our conversation.

Crying? Why? Does she really have feelings for me?

"Sanehara, What does this mean? " I asked with a straight face.

"Eh? " Sanehara spoke up, surprised

" IT'S SANEHARA-SAN FOR YOU, who gave you permission to speak informally with Kasumi? use the friggin honorific" Sawada warned.

"The same goes for you too, Who gave you the permission to speak to me informally? S-A-W-A-D-A"

Sawada leaned in close, gripping the collar of my shirt, and looked into my eyes from a very close distance.

"Damn Araki(kuso araki), don't get carried away just because you rejected a girl like Kasumi. Guys like you should just shut up and answer" Sawada said with a cold voice.

"H-Hina-chan, please stop. I'm sorry, Araki-kun. The thing is, Hina-chan saw me crying since that day, and today she became more insistent about it. So I told her the reason why I was crying. So, you know my name?" Kasumi said.

Sawada released her grip on my collar.

"This guy isn't as ignorant as you think. he pretended not to know your name in order to completely reject you and hurt your feelings. If you think properly, it's such an obvious thing. " Sawada said.

'what's happening there? '

People started to talk among themselves

'Araki rejected Sanehara-san it seems'

'No way, he rejected that innocent beauty?'

Innocent beauty? What a lame name. So that's what they are calling Sanehara. I honestly don't care about that stuff. But things are getting too noisy here. If Sawada stirs up more trouble for me, I might end up in a bad situation.

"It's getting noisy here let's change the place" I said.

"NO, I want the answer immediately, Why did you reject her? "

"Will you just shut up?"

"huh? "

"Ever since you started talking, All you have been saying is Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, you are so annoying! " I shouted

Once again silence grew in the classroom.

"Ara... Ki? " Sawada spoke, scared.

"Why? Do you want to know why I rejected this girl? " I said, pointing my finger towards Sanehara.

"You really are dumb, huh? Don't you get why I rejected her? Seriously, are you that clueless?" I said.

"Araki what....are you say-"

"HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" I burst into laughter,

[people started talking]

" is laughing?" a guy in the class spoke

"It is kind of scary" a girl in the class spoke, scared

I stopped laughing, and with a serious expression, I started speaking

"Why I rejected her? Sawada, Let me ask you one thing before answering, Do you have a boyfriend? "


"Has anyone asked you out before? "

"Well..... yes"

"What did you do to him?"

"I... rejected him"

"Why did you reject him? "

Sawada fell silent overwhelmed by my question.

"If you don't have the answer then don't ask me hypocrite, Why I rejected her? Don't make me laugh, isn't the answer is obvious"


"What did you just sa-" 


"huh" sanehara murmured

As I spoke those words, I heard the sound of teardrops and noticed that Sanehara was crying.

"Why.. Am I? "

"kasu... Mi? Are you crying? "

"N-no, you've got it wrong..... hina chan, I got dust into..... my eyes earlier, it... Must be the... " *sob*

Sawada quickly turned her head and gripped my collar once again, her gaze piercing and filled with intensity.

"I don't know what Kasumi sees in you, but I am against the idea of her dating you. Because of you, she is suffering so much, she doesn't deserve that painful rejection and I will make you pay for making Kasumi cry. Remember it well, Araki I will-"

"Shut up, You don't have the right to talk, after all you are just a hypocrite" I slapped her hand away from my collar.

"What- "

"And besides, does this girl really love me?" I questioned, pointing Sanehara

"Are you telling me that Kasumi's feelings are not genuine? You je- "

"That's right. Actions speak more than words. I need proof that she is not just talk"

"What are you trying to say? Kasumi cried every day because of you. You rejected her so cruelly. Are you saying that her feelings weren't genu"

"If her feelings are genuine, "


"Eeh?" Sanehara exclaimed, her face turning red, clearly shocked by my bold statement.

[After a brief silence, everyone started to talk]

'Hey hey, it's getting heated up'

'Araki asked Sanehara to sleep with him'

'For real? '

'I have never seen Araki-kun acting like this'

'I can't believe he asked such a thing'

"U-um, Araki-kun, just now... What do you mean?" Sanehara asked, her voice filled with interruption.

"Don't get me wrong. I am just asking you to sleep with me, I am not suggesting anything here. If you truly love me you can at least sle-"


I was interrupted by a hard slap from Sawada's left hand, causing my head to turn to the left and leaving me speechless at the moment. Once again silence grew.

"... Out"

"huh? " I said

"GET THE HELL OUT" Sawada shouted.

After a few seconds of silence, I got up from my seat, grabbed my bag, and silently walked away from the classroom.

"Wait. Araki-ku-"

"Leave him Kasumi"



[People started talking as Araki walked out of the classroom]

'I can't believe him'

'he is the worst'

'he deserved that slap'

I started walking in the hallway heading to the ground floor through the stairs

This is for the best. I doubt that the conversation has any alternative ending, I am up against two girls among the crowd and I can't win alone. This conversation was never meant to end well for me. However, it works out well for me to strategize for the upcoming seminar. There is no other way to escape from this situation. If I stay there, the conversation may drag on for the whole day and I really can't afford to waste a single second. Of course it charged me a lot,  I might be targeted and rumors will likely spread for a few days. But I don't care. I will simply ignore it, and eventually, the flames will disappear.

'This is for the best'

"Do you really think that?" I asked myself.

I tightened my fist and...


I punched the shoe locker(rack) with my fist in frustration.

"This is for the best? Don't lie, you idiot, Deep down you know it right"


I turned my head and found Sanehara panting, catching her breath. She must have chased after me.


"I... I'm very sorry for what Hina-chan did"

"Don't worry about that, it isn't your fault"

Truth to be told, this whole situation is happened because of you, Sanehara.

"No, It is my fault. If only I don't have feelings for you this would never happen"

At least you are aware of it. That's right if you didn't confessed to me on that day, I won't be wasting my time like this.

"It was partly my fault too. Lately, there have been many things pressing on me, and I ended up taking out my anger on you and said some crazy things." I said

Actually, from now on, you are also one of those things.

"That's why there is no need for you to apo-"

"But! " Sanehara shouted.

"Huh? "

"But... I want you to know that... My feelings for you are genuine. I really love you. " *sob*

"Why don't you believe her? Her feelings seem genuine." If you are asking me this question, let me tell you something.

If you believe someone simply because they appear genuine, you are bound to experience a lot of suffering. The concept of "belief" doesn't exist in this world anymore. Every person has ulterior motives behind their words and actions. They seek your belief because they want to use you, exploit you, and eventually discard you. This world no longer works on the principle of 'give and take', it operates on 'use and throw', friends, lovers, and colleagues. Everyone will try to use you. Believe someone and they will backstab you someday. That's why I don't believe anyone. Because rather than being on the deceived side I would prefer to be on the deceiving side.To put it simply, rather than being hurt I would prefer hurting others, if not, you can't able to survive in this cruel world. 

                This is the 'Reality'

    This world is rotten to the point from   

       where it can't recover anymore.


That's why, doubt everything. Don't give them a chance to use you, exploit you and discard you. Because of the world it is now, you need to avoid them before they use you, orelse


                  THEY USE YOU"

That's why I don't believe this girl, feelings can easily be toyed with.

I began speaking,

"Sanehara, I didn't gave you a proper answer right? "

"Eh? Yes"

"The thing is, Not only you I don't have interest in dating any woman, I don't have the time to spare for you and I don't want to invest my time in such relationships. That's why I am sorry"

"Is...that right?"

"That's right. That's why I want you to give up on me"

"I see... There is no choice, is there? I thought that you hated me all this time, so it's kind of a relief, but... it's really painful."

Who gave you the impression that I like you as a person?

"I am really sorry"

*Noding* "Mm... There is no need for Araki-kun to apologize. I understand. As you said, I will give up on you. I shouldn't hold onto it, right? I should move on."

"Thank you I really appreciate it"

"Also, please forgive Hina-chan too for asking such a question. She made you trouble huh, She is just attached to me, So she can't bear the thought that I got rejected"

"Don't worry, I don't mind. Besides, there is no use in thinking about things that are already over."

That right, it's really a waste of time and I owe all of it to that girl.



"If things are hard for you from now, please consult me. I will always be there for you to hear your troubles."

My eyes widened upon hearing that. What is she saying? Is she trying to console me after all the trouble she has caused me?.

"I understand. Well, then, today I will go home. I need some time to cool off. Don't worry, I will come to school tomorrow."

Sanehara nodded with a smile. I changed my shoes and started to set off.

"If things are hard for you consult me huh"

I'm sure I'll be in a dire situation for a few days. But I don't regret what I said earlier. First of all, why did she ask such a stupid question?


That's right. Why did she ask such a question like "Why did you reject her"? Normally, people would know without asking that he doesn't feel the same way about that girl, so he rejected her. Even if she is concerned about her friend and asked me anyway, the timing is weird.

It's been precisely 24 days since Sanehara asked me out. From what I've heard, Sanehara has been crying every day since the day I rejected her. And today, Sawada became insistent and asked her about it. But something doesn't add up. Do people normally wait 24 days to know the reason why someone rejected them, especially when that person has been crying for three weeks? Most people would ask within a few days or at least become persistent within a week. But 24 days is not a joke. This flow of things doesn't make sense. That stupid question, weird timing, 24 days, and the result-

"I will be targetted" My eyes widened upon saying these words,

If this strange flow of events and that weird conversation is meant to frame me and make me a subject to target then no matter how absurd the argument is, if it is meant to reach a particular goal then that's all matters. It makes sense. If it is meant to reach this result then everything will make sense.

Don't tell me...

I turned my head and noticed that Sanehara had vanished from my sight.

"Nah, there is no way" I said to myself

On second thought, there is no way. Maybe I am just overthinking because that woman doesn't have the brains to pull off something like that.

"Let's go home and better prepare myself for the seminar"

[Third person P.O.V- at 12:35pm]

Sawada headed towards the rooftop, climbing the steps and reaching the door. She opened it and stepped onto the rooftop.

There stood Kasumi in front of the entrance drinking a juice box(🧃)


"Huh!" Sanehara glared

"I-I'm very sorry, Kasumi-sama" Sawada bowed and apologized

"Looks like everything went as we planned Kasumi sama, how did I perform earlier?"

"Yeah, great work out there hina-chan,I can't believe it, Araki reacted better than I expected, I am really glad to have you as my underling"

"I-I'm very honoured to hear that"

"I thought Araki was just a plain boy, easily breakable, So I was willing to play with him that's why I confessed to him, but..."


"I have never been rejected before in my life, and besides, it's usually me who rejects others. But to think that he has the guts to reject me and on top of that he humiliated me... It's really irritating"

Kasumi squeezed her juice box in frustration.

"I am not worthy to be his girlfriend? Hey, Hina-chan, isn't that guy so full of himself? Just because he has some good looks, Does he think he is some big shot or something?"

"Y-you are absolutely right"

"Well, whatever. Compared to my previous toys, oh sorry, my ex-boyfriends this guy is somewhat of a trouble, but it's all taken care of already. From tomorrow, he will get targeted and everyone will think badly of him. All kinds of rumors will spread throughout the entire school. Everything is perfect Mmm, hahahaha," Kasumi laughed, enjoying the idea of Araki facing consequences for rejecting her.




"Damn witch" Sawada thought to herself.

"This is just my way to exact my revenge on you, I am really looking forward to it, A-r-a-k-i Kun"

In that moment, I didn't realized yet that Sanehara Kasumi was not just an ordinary side character.