The Party


"Are you sure it's a good idea to go?" Liliana asks as I scrutinise my appearance in her mirror. "Besides, it's a private party. I don't see how we could get in."

A mischievous smile spreads across my lips as I carefully adjust the lipstick I've just applied.

"Do you really think that privatisation can stop me? I've got contacts, you know?"

My best friend raises an eyebrow. "You mean guys you've slept with?"

I turn to her. "Yes, contacts. Good connections can open doors you never knew existed. Trust me, Lil. We'll be at that party."

"Just promise me you won't cause any unnecessary drama tonight."

I raise my hand in a mock oath.

"I solemnly swear not to make—too many—waves. Tonight, I just want to have fun. And potentially find someone."

Liliana rolls her eyes. "You know, if you'd put as much energy into finding someone as you put into pissing off my brother, you'd have found him already."

I try to ignore the slight hint of resentment I've been feeling since earlier when Arwan confronted me. I really try not to think about it, but it's hard not to play his remark over and over in my brain.

"Maybe, yeah. But life would be so boring otherwise."

I've found a real passion for annoying her brother, and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it. It's become a game, a way of keeping our interactions interesting and unpredictable. There's a certain excitement in seeing his reactions, even if they sometimes arouse conflicting emotions in me—just like today.

In fact, I think what I enjoy most is uncovering the abundance of good humour he carries around every day. I know there's something else underneath. Something real and sincere, far from the clown image he gives himself. It somehow sounds like I'm not too fond of good humour in other people—and partly I do—, but there is something intriguing about Arwan that keeps me going.

"Anyway," I finish, slipping on the heels I bought yesterday. "What do you think?"

I turn around to give Liliana a full view of my outfit. I've chosen a classic little black dress that fits like a glove; its elegant simplicity is perfect for blending into Tyler's house. With its subtle appeal, I'm hoping to catch the eye of one of the guys at the party. After all, it's a senior's party, so I'm sure I'll find someone for me.

"Well, my dear," she smiles mischievously, "you're bound to end up in someone's bed tonight, that's for sure."

I laugh, both flattered and amused by her candour. "That's definitely the plan, so I'm fine with it. What about you, though? Are you going in that outfit?"

She looks down at her clothes before frowning. "What's wrong with it?"

I shake my head in amusement. "Liliana, my totally-out-of-touch-with-fashion best friend, you're wearing jeans. Jeans at a party like this? That's almost criminal."

She sighs as she gets up from her bed.

"I'm not looking to get into anyone's bed tonight, so I think I'll stick to that."

I don't bother protesting against her choice of jeans; I already know how much she values them. She's the kind of girl who has a whole collection, and I appreciate that about her because I automatically know who to turn to when I need some. Plus, she should see the attention her backside is getting in those jeans. Not a single guy at the party will miss it.

Miklos should be at the party too. Despite what she claims, I know Liliana wants his attention. It's written all over her face, even if she hasn't explicitly told me. Because I see things—more than she thinks. I wish I could do something to help and reassure her, but it's a delicate situation. She's got her sights set on him, and for now, she's not willing to change targets, no matter how much it hurts her.

"Okay, let's go, then!"

I grab my handbag, feeling the thrill of anticipation coursing through my veins as I step out into the night alongside Liliana. The city buzzes with vibrant energy, amplifying my determination to make this night my own. As we navigate the streets, the distant sound of music grows louder, drawing us closer to the heart of the party.

Soon enough, Tyler's house stands before us, a beacon of light and excitement. The air is alive with the thrill of youthful energy, and I can't help but feel a surge of excitement mixed with a tinge of nervousness. The anticipation heightens as we approach the enormous house, which—I'm sure—contains everything I'll need tonight.

At the entrance, a guy stands as the gatekeeper, presumably tasked with monitoring the arrivals and departures. Despite having my own tried-and-tested method of sneaking in, a mischievous spark ignites within me, tempting me to try something different this time. With a playful glance exchanged with Liliana, I decide to showcase a new skill. Adjusting my neckline, I confidently approach the man, turning on the charm with a playful sway of my hips. The sight elicits giggles from Liliana as I engage in a flirtatious exchange, even managing to secure his number. As expected, my plan works like a charm, and we find ourselves granted access to the vibrant party.

"Wow!" Liliana exclaims, her eyes widening as she takes in the majesty of the surroundings. "This place's enormous!"

Her awe brings a smile to my face as I respond, "That's Tyler for you. He never settles for anything less than extraordinary."

"Damn right, I don't," remarks a deep male voice from behind. "I'm always chasing perfection."

Simultaneously, an arm slips over my shoulder, introducing me to the party host—Tyler himself. I've caught glimpses of him on campus, but up close, he's a breathtaking sight. He exudes an undeniable charisma, his easy smile and magnetic presence commanding everyone's attention. I find myself utterly captivated, unable to tear my eyes away from him.

Tyler regards me with a mixture of curiosity and confusion, his gaze searching my face. His words reflect his puzzled state, "I don't think we've met before. And I have absolutely no recollection of inviting you."

I lean back slightly, relishing in the way his arm settles more comfortably on my shoulder, a seductive smile playing on my lips. "Oh, it seems I've managed to slip past your notice, Tyler," I respond in a voice laced with allure, savouring how his name rolls off my tongue. "But don't worry, you won't regret my being here. I can promise you that."

His eyebrows arch in amusement, obviously intrigued by my bold answer.

"Is that so? Well, you've certainly got my attention now. I'd love you to join us."

"'Us'?" I repeat, my curiosity piqued. My pulse quickens as his proximity intensifies, his intoxicating scent enveloping me, sending shivers down my spine. His warm breath caresses my skin, electrifying the air between us.

A barely audible whisper escapes his lips, tinged with secrecy and excitement. "Yes. See, the real party is never where everyone is. I've got a special place for that. Do you want to come up?"

His words make my heart pulse a bit faster, and I forget everything else for a moment. I bite my bottom lip, a mixture of anticipation and nervousness churning in my stomach. The lure of an exclusive, hidden space with Tyler is tempting, but part of me hesitates. I feel a pang of guilt at the thought of leaving Liliana alone. However, when I glance over my shoulder, she's already deep in conversation with a group of people. Sensing my gaze on her, she even looks up before giving me a thumbs-up in encouragement.

I immediately turn my attention back to the handsome blond in front of me. "Lead the way."

Tyler's eyes light up with satisfaction, and he takes my hand, leading me through the crowd and up a flight of stairs. Every step brings me closer to the unknown, my anticipation growing with every beat of my heart.

As we reach the top of the stairs, Tyler opens a door, revealing a dimly lit corridor adorned with twinkling strings of lights. The soft music playing in the background adds to the mystery of the space, casting an enchanting glow around us.

He guides me further down the corridor past closed doors until we reach the end. He jerks open the last door, revealing a secret room bathed in warm colours. The atmosphere is friendly and much quieter than downstairs. It's far from what I expected, but I'm pleasantly surprised.

I then step inside, enjoying the privacy of the place. My gaze darts around the room, scanning the familiar faces I recognise from college. Among them, there is one person in particular whom I wish I hadn't laid eyes upon at this very moment. The mere sight of him sends a surge of electricity through my veins.


He stands at the far end of the room, engrossed in conversation with a girl by his side. Their flirtatious banter is evident, and I can already surmise their intentions for the night. It's a scene I've witnessed before—one I have taken immense pleasure in disrupting each time. The chemistry between them is palpable, an undeniable connection that is no secret to anyone present, evident in the way they devour each other with their eyes.

I avert my gaze, determined to focus on the present and the company of Tyler. He introduces me to his circle of friends, and I make an effort to engage with them, exchanging pleasantries and indulging in small talk. It's crucial for me to familiarise myself with this unfamiliar territory, to carefully analyse every aspect before leaping into any course of action.

"So, tell me more about yourself," resumes Tyler once we are isolated from the rest. "You and I are at the same university, right?"


"What year?"


"Mhm. And what are you studying?"

"Biochemistry," I reply proudly. "It's pretty challenging, but I find the intricacies of science absolutely fascinating. There's just so much to learn, you know? And to discover. God, I just love science, don't you?"

His response doesn't come immediately. He seems to process the information, his expression shifting to one of surprise. "Er… Wow. I wasn't expecting that. And no, I'm more of a humanities kind of guy, you know? But I have to say, I'm pretty impressed."

I simply shrug, trying not to let his comment about not fitting the archetypal profile affect me. "I know I don't fit the conventional mould, but—"

"Oh, no, I didn't mean it that way," Tyler interrupts, a hint of warmth in his smile. "I'm genuinely impressed. I mean, I struggle with science myself, so I can appreciate the dedication and passion it takes. Why did you choose biochemistry?"

Unable to resist the magnetic pull between us, I let my smile widen, basking in the attention Tyler showers upon me. The wall behind me provides slight support as I subtly lean into it, the cool surface offering a welcome contrast to the heat coursing through my veins. My heart thumps rapidly in my chest, a telltale sign of the desire that swirls within me whenever he's closed. I attempt to maintain my composure, but his presence has a way of unravelling the carefully constructed defences I've built. Damn it.

"I suppose you could say I'm mostly driven by curiosity. I want to understand the mysteries of life, you know? To discover the secrets hidden in our cells. It's my way of making sense of my world."

His gaze intensifies, and his eyes lock onto mine with an intensity that sends shivers down my spine. There's an unmistakable connection between us, an undeniable attraction that hangs in the air.

"I fucking love hearing you talk," he murmurs, his voice full of admiration. "You're fucking incredible, you know that?"

A surge of warmth rushes to my cheeks, a mix of bashfulness and exhilaration sweeping over me. It's a rare and intoxicating feeling to find someone who not only sees beyond the surface but appreciates the hidden layers that make up my essence. With Tyler, I feel seen, understood, and desired in a way that ignites a fierce fire within me.

Before I can respond, a sudden disturbance takes us out of our intimate bubble. Increasingly loud footsteps, accompanied by a tense energy, draw our attention away from each other. I turn my head, my heart clenched, and see a man whose face is twisted in anger and disbelief.


And from that simple nickname, I already know I'm in for a rough time.