

I just can't believe it.

Tonight, I thought I'd finally be able to escape it. I thought I'd finally be free to spend a quiet evening—and maybe a little hectic at the end—with Zoya. I really thought I'd be able to enjoy myself before the season starts and that I become too busy with basketball. I thought it would be my last chance to let off steam and forget about the pressure ahead.

Of course, that was a stupid hope.

In front of me, Emery is wearing a guilty expression, which she is quick to hide. I know all too well that she came here to provoke me and piss me off. Why else would she come? She loves tormenting me and making my life hell for her own pleasure. I find it hard to understand how my sister can be friends with someone like her. Emery is a bitch, and no one can deny that.

"Hey, Griffiths!" Tyler steps in, standing next to Emery. "What's the matter?"

I smile at him, trying to hide my growing frustration.

"Nothing, man. I just want to talk to Emery for a second. Do you mind?"

Ty glances at Emery, silently seeking her approval. She seems hesitant, like she's not sure what I might say or do. What did she expect? Not only has she crashed this party, but she's also managed to infiltrate its private circle—a circle she has no business being in.

Emery hesitates for a moment before reluctantly nodding at Ty. "It's okay, Tyler. We'll catch up later."

He shrugs casually and walks away, joining the others. Left alone with Emery, I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. Confronting her won't do any good, but I can't let her antics go unchallenged either.

"What the hell are you doing here? And why the fuck do you feel the need to disrupt my evening?"

She gives me a satisfied smile. "Oh, Arwan. It's cute that you think it's all about you. I'm only here to have fun. It's got nothing to do with you."

"Oh, really?" I say, my voice full of sarcasm, and cross my arms against my chest. "So it had 'nothing to do with me' when you showed up at Jar's party two weeks ago? Or Ivan's? Or Ben's? Are you going to tell me that you go to every one of my mates' parties, but it's got 'nothing to do with me'?"

It's her turn to look defensive, scanning me up and down to determine the best way to confront me.

"Don't flatter yourself, Arwan. Your friends just happen to throw good parties with decent guys. It's not my fault I like to have a good time."

A sour laugh escapes me.

"You can't keep playing this sick game, Emery," I threaten as I approach her. "I'm tired of being taken in by your twisted games. If you've got something against me, say it, but stop giving me a hard time every chance you get, all right? I'm not your fucking punching bag."

Emery's expression changes, and her eyes widen in surprise, perhaps at my sudden defiance. Anger grows on her face, ready to retaliate, but I cut her off before she can utter a word.

"I don't want to hear it. Not tonight. I don't want to see you any longer."

Leaving her in the lurch, I storm off, my annoyance guiding my steps. I head straight for Zoya, who has been watching the whole exchange from across the room. The worried look on her face makes my heart ache, and I hate that she has to see me like this. I'm not supposed to be the guy who holds a grudge against the world. I'm supposed to be the guy who brings joy to others, but Emery's presence is slowly eroding that part of me.

As I approach Zoya, her pure voice breaks the tension. "Are you all right?" she asks, a look of concern creeping across her face.

I take a moment to compose myself, realising that my outburst is not good for Zoya or me. I can't let Emery's toxic influence poison my time with someone who cares about me.

"I'm sorry," I apologise immediately. "I didn't mean for it to happen like this. I'm really sorry she's ruined our evening again."

Her hands rest gently on my shoulders, her touch bringing me back to reality.

"Please, don't say that. She hasn't ruined anything. You're still here, and that's all that matters. Don't you want us to go somewhere else anyway? Just you and me."

I smile immediately, letting a sense of relief wash over me as I bask in Zoya's presence. She effortlessly reminds me why I love her so much. Zoya has an innate ability to pick up on the subtle nuances of others, knowing precisely how to react in any situation. It's this deep understanding that captivates me and draws me closer to her. She's an incredible girl, radiating authenticity and kindness, always making those around her feel good. Zoya is simply too good for this world.

Laying my hand on hers, I squeeze it gently, silently expressing my gratitude. After that, I get up and take her out of the house with me. On the way, I pass Emery again, who looks me in the eye, a mischievous gleam in her eyes as Ty whispers something in her ear. I catch a glimpse of her smirk in response to his remark and can't help but roll my eyes before finally making a break for it.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask Zoya, a light breeze caressing my face as we make our way through the cool of the night.

When I turn to her, I notice that she's biting her lip, a hint of hesitation in her eyes. My curiosity is piqued, and I wonder what she has in mind.

"Well, I… I don't live very far from here," she admits shyly.

"Oh?" I reply, unable to conceal my astonishment at her boldness.

God, that's what I love about her. I certainly didn't expect Zoya to take the reins like that, but I realise that perhaps, after all the time we've spent trying to find a moment together, she's become as impatient as I am. Right now, it's just her and me; there are no outside factors to disrupt our plans. This is our only chance to explore what's between us.

Without hesitation, I decide, "I'm in."

Her face lights up with a mixture of surprise and joy, and when she takes my hand, our fingers intertwine in a gentle embrace. Together, we set off down the path to her flat. I've been to Zoya's before—usually to spend time with her and Jar—but tonight is quite different. A current of anticipation runs through my body, my heart racing so fast that I'm forced to consciously slow my pace for fear of losing control. It's a delicate balance between my impatience and the fear of compromising what could be.

As we walk side by side, Zoya cleverly finds a way to ease the tension, mentioning one of our joint courses and the next paper due in a fortnight. Talking about university momentarily distracts my thoughts, allowing a sense of calm to settle in the air between us. In her presence, I feel at ease, and the excitement of what lies ahead mixes with a real connection between us.

After about ten minutes, her house materialises before our eyes, a refuge waiting to welcome us. Zoya informs me that her flatmates have gone out, so we won't be interrupted. A smile spreads across my face, making me feel like an idiot.

On the doorstep, Zoya fumbles with her keys, her movements reflecting the electric eagerness that runs through us both. With a satisfying click, the door opens, and Zoya immediately switches on the lights, lighting the way to a night full of possibilities.

Inside her flat, the air crackles with an undeniable alchemy, as if the universe itself had conspired to create this moment. We cross the threshold, and the space before us takes on a new aura, both familiar and enchanting. It's as if I'm seeing it with new eyes; the colours are more vivid, the details more pronounced. Everything looks different tonight.

And that has something to do with the fact that I'm not just here to visit a friend this time.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?" The words escape my lips, imbued with a sincere admiration I can no longer contain.

Her cheeks blush a delicate shade of pink, and she looks down shyly. But I can't stand her hiding her radiance. With a gentle movement, I lift her chin, guiding her eyes to mine. I want to penetrate the very depths of her being and soak up every nuance of her unique beauty. Zoya has a pair of clear eyes that reflect her soul, its very essence of kindness and warmth. It's a beauty that transcends physical appearances and resonates from within. I know in my heart that she is beautiful in every possible way, and I will never deny that undeniable truth.

When I look at her, time seems to stand still, and the world around us becomes insignificant. In this intimate exchange, I feel the connection between us intensify. It's as if we were the only two people in existence.

Zoya's eyes shine with a mixture of emotions—shyness, curiosity and a hint of something more profound. It's a reflection of the uncharted territory we find ourselves in, a place where friendship is on the precipice of something bigger. As I look into her eyes, I make a silent commitment to cherish and protect this bond, to honour the beauty that resides within it, and to navigate the uncharted waters of our evolving relationship with honesty and respect.

In this unspoken agreement, a gentle smile forms on my lips, reflecting the joy that lights up her face.

"Shall we go up to your room?" I whisper against her skin.

Unable to answer me in words, she nods, and I lead the way to the destination I've been waiting for. I waste no time climbing the stairs and passing through the corridor to her room, which happens to be the furthest away—a real torture tonight. Opening the door, I throw us both inside and as soon as I'm inside, I throw myself on top of Zoya, kissing her as if my life depended on it.

Her hands slide up my torso to restrain herself as I place both my palms against her door, pressing my pelvis against hers.

"Arwan…," I hear her moan between two kisses.


"Don't go easy on me tonight, all right?"

A playful smile immediately covers my mouth.

"Your wish is my command, Ma'am."