Joyful Mood


As I enter my first lecture of the day, a wave of contentment washes over me. It's an unusual feeling because most mornings, I wake up with a pang of regret at having opened my eyes. But today is different. Something about this weekend has changed my perspective, leaving me in an unusually good mood.

Last night did not get off to a good start due to Arwan's untimely interruption. However, as fate would have it, everything fell back into place when Tyler came back to see me. The evening turned into a steady stream of conversation, and I can't deny the surprise I felt. Engaging in a simple, meaningful exchange with a man is foreign to me. Usually, there's an unspoken expectation that things will go further—usually, straight to bed.

Yet, with Tyler, it's pleasantly different. Our connection has been nurtured by our ability to communicate openly. I find it hard to understand how someone like him—known for his one-night stands—could show such an interest in me. He dived effortlessly into his love of basketball while eagerly seeking out my explanations of biochemistry. It was amazing to see his genuine curiosity about my world.

Initially, I expected our night together to follow the predictable path of previous encounters. However, fate had a very different plan, and our time unfolded in a way that exceeded my expectations. While physical intimacy took a back seat, the depth of our connection and the genuine understanding we shared left an indelible mark on my heart.

Settling into my customary seat at the back of the amphitheatre, it's impossible to hide the smile on my face. As we all wait impatiently for our speaker to arrive, I take the time to get my phone out of my bag. With a rush of anticipation, I browse each of my contacts and scroll through them until I come across Tyler's number—he happily shared it with me when it was time for me to head home.


hey, Tyler! it's Emery. last weekend was pretty amazing, right? i thought, maybe we could do that again.

Without thinking too much about it, I hit the 'send' button, releasing the message into the vast digital world. The lecture theatre buzzes with the chatter of the other students, but I'm too captivated by my phone screen to pay them any attention. It's not like me to be so impatient, but with Tyler, my self-control seems to evaporate. Not even paying attention when my friends sit down next to me, I stare at the screen, my thoughts consumed by the possibility of his response.

Moments pass, and just as the speaker begins his presentation, my phone lights up with a new message.


Hi Emery! I was hoping to hear from you. I'm definitely up for meeting up again, perhaps in a more intimate setting.

I don't waste time drafting my reply.


what's on your mind?


Well, we could hang out at my place again. And maybe this time we could share a meal?

A meal? Prepared by him? Or maybe something ordered? My mind races with questions. This certainly sounds like a date, but I've never been on one before. How am I supposed to act? What am I supposed to wear? Uncertainty floods me, but I hesitate to ask Tyler. I don't want him to think I've got no idea or, worse, that I'm stupid. And maybe it's not even a date, and I'm just imagining things.

In any case, I decide to save these questions for Liliana once I've given her all the details. Besides, I should probably find out what happened to her the other night since we haven't seen each other since Friday.


that's a good idea, yeah. i'm available this weekend. what about you?


Great. Saturday, then? (I'm really, really looking forward to it)


works for me! (me too)


Okay, cool. I have to get to class now, but I'll meet you in the cafeteria this afternoon. (I'm already feeling nervous)


sure! (and i'm brimming with excitement.)

I continue to plaster a goofy grin on my face for what seems like an eternity after switching off my phone, utterly oblivious to the ongoing lecture before my eyes. It's only when the initial surge of euphoria subsides that I can refocus my attention and attempt to summarise and type out the key points the speaker is conveying.

As he delves into the fascinating field of molecular biology, my fingers dance across the keyboard, trying to capture the essence of his words. I find myself immersed in the subject, making connections between the content of the lecture and my recent conversations with Tyler. It's as if the world of biochemistry had taken on new dimensions, thanks to the unexpected bond that has formed between Tyler and me.

Little by little, the allure of the lecture penetrates my consciousness, drawing me back into the academic realm. I try to absorb as much knowledge as possible, resolved not to let my new personal intrigue overshadow my commitment to learning. With each passing slide and the lecturer's impassioned explanation, my understanding deepens, mixing the excitement of scientific discovery with the thrill of a budding connection.

Once the lecture is over, haste ensues as students hurry off to their following classes. I linger behind, methodically closing my laptop and stowing it safely in my bag before descending the stairs. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I start scrolling through my playlists, intent on finding the perfect soundtrack for my next free hour.

However, my movements freeze midway through when a pair of feet unexpectedly enter my line of sight. Looking up, I cautiously analyse the person standing in front of me until our eyes meet—his piercing green eyes locked with mine.


"Missed me that much, huh?"

To my dismay, he replies with a scowl, his eyes filled with unmistakable disdain, "I'm still waiting for you to pay me back for my shirt."

I roll my eyes, struggling to hide my growing frustration.

"Are you still dwelling on that?" I retort, a hint of exasperation piercing through my voice.

"You still haven't paid me anything," he replies, his tone dry and accusatory.

"Fine. How much is your precious gear worth then?" I reply, my annoyance tinged with resignation. "You want me to transfer the money right now?"

Surprisingly, he pulls out his phone and motions for me to proceed with the transaction. Nervously, I fumble with my phone to retrieve his details, feeling the weight of the situation as I prepare to make the transfer. It's completed in a few minutes, but he doesn't even thank me before quickly heading for the exit.


He doesn't stop; his steps continue without hesitation.

"Arwan!" I insist.

Reluctantly, he turns around, looking weary, his arms crossed in a defensive posture.

"You should lock your locker next time," I smile.

His gaze darkens, his eyebrows furrowing in response.

"Is that a threat?"

"Just a suggestion," I answer innocently.

Without saying another word, he pivots on his heels and rushes out of the room, leaving me feeling both satisfaction and unease. I know that under the weight of my warning, he will probably be more cautious, fearing that I might repeat my actions.

Although part of me is tempted to play more pranks on him, I realise that, for now, I should concentrate on Tyler. He's the one who really matters at the moment, and I certainly don't have the time or inclination to get drawn into activities like provoking Arwan. As much as I enjoy these mischievous encounters, what I have with Tyler is far more important in my heart.

Determined, I head resolutely for a secluded spot on campus to immerse myself in my studies. I need to regain my concentration and channel my energy into academic activities, leaving behind the drama and tension of the last few moments.

Finding a quiet corner in the library, I settle into a comfortable armchair, surrounded by shelves of books and the soft hum of whispered conversations. Opening my laptop, I retrieve my notes and textbooks, ready to plunge into the knowledge that awaits me.

With each passing minute, my concentration deepens, my mind fully engaged with the complex concepts and theories presented before me. Molecular biology, genetics and biochemistry interlink in a symphony of scientific exploration, capturing my attention and triggering a thirst for understanding.

Long minutes pass unnoticed as I delve deeper into the subjects, diligently taking notes, highlighting key concepts and seeking clarification where necessary. The bustling library gradually fades as I lose myself in the academic world, determined to make progress in my classes and excel in my quest for knowledge.

Sometimes my thoughts waver to Tyler and the upcoming weekend, a tantalising distraction amidst the sea of textbooks and scientific journals. I look forward to the opportunity to spend more time with him. But for now, in this serene haven of learning, I'm concentrating solely on broadening my understanding of the biological sciences. The dramas and complications of relationships can wait as the complexities of life at the molecular level beckon with their own charm and mysteries to explain.

As my free hour draws to a close, I hastily gather my things, mentally preparing myself for the last class of the morning before meeting Tyler in the cafeteria. However, my path crosses that of Liliana, who is walking through the university corridors, her head bowed, giving off an undeniable aura of distress. Worry appears on my face, and I quickly approach her.

"Lil'?" I call her. "You okay?"

She looks up at me, her once bright eyes darkening as the tears well up and overflow. Reacting instinctively, I grab her arm, guiding her to an isolated spot where we can talk privately. Seeing her distress sends a pang of worry through my heart, and I can't help wondering what could have happened to cause her such anguish.

"It's… It's Miklos," she finally utters between sobs.

My eyebrows furrow, and my protective instincts kick in. "What did he do?"

Anger simmers inside me, ready to confront anyone who dares to hurt Liliana—I can already see myself rearranging his face. But before my emotions completely take over, I remind myself to listen to her and support her in this vulnerable moment.

"Something… Something happened at the party between us, and it… it was great and good, but then… this morning he came to tell me he'd got back together with his ex," she stammers, her voice trembling with pain. "I just… Em, I don't know what to do. I… I can't bear it. It's too much. Too… Too hard."

The tears flow down her face again, and I immediately wrap her in a comforting embrace, holding her tightly to me. My heart aches for her, witnessing the intensity of her grief. Instantly, I put aside my own concerns and focus entirely on being there for my best friend, providing a safe place where she can lean on me for support.

Gently caressing her back, I whisper reassuring words. I stay by her side for long minutes, offering a listening ear as she continues to pour out her pain. I'm probably going to have to miss my next class, but I'm not worried about that. For the time being, I put my own problems aside and concentrate solely on my best friend.

I let her know that I'm there for her, just as she's always been there for me.