By His Side


I wake up with a strange sensation coursing through my veins, like an electric current dancing under my skin. It's as if a dormant volcano, long forgotten by time, had awoken from its slumber. Its molten core gushes with new energy, ready to unleash a torrent of fiery passion and intensity on the world. That's exactly the feeling I get when I open my eyes in Arwan's room.

My first impulse is to flee from the impending confrontation. We must have ended up on his bed in the middle of our gaming session when we decided to play a fighting game.

Last night was foggy, overshadowed by the heaviness of my eyelids and the late hour. Yet this morning, regret washes over me like a tidal wave. As I scan the room for the perfect way out without a sound, I find myself inexplicably strapped to the bed, held down by an invisible force—Arwan's.