

I let out a frustrated sigh and bury my face in my hands. This morning is a total disaster, and it's only just begun. Once Emery and my sister finally leave, I decide to get up, grateful that my… inconvenience is over. After making my bed, I walk out of my room, trying to put everything that happened behind me.

"Darling, how are you?" my mother asks, gently holding her tea when I get to the kitchen. "Since when do you get up so early on a Saturday?

I've been thinking about the same question myself. When I don't have basketball, I usually catch up on my sleep, but with someone like Waverly, it's a challenge.

That's why I just shrug, kiss my mum on the cheek and begin making eggs to start my day. While cooking, I ask about her work yesterday, and she tells me it was a bit busier than usual—hence the overtime.

As I finish my eggs and sit down to eat, my mother's expression suddenly lights up, and I know what's coming.