The Flight


I move confidently through the busy airport, holding my phone in my hand. I try not to pay too much attention to the growing crowd around me as I walk down the crowded corridor. I chose this flight time thinking it would be less crowded, but it seems I've misjudged the situation today. The airport is swarming with people, and I feel a bit overwhelmed trying to spot the one who is probably still waiting for me.

Continuing down the passageway, I finally find a slightly secluded spot where I can check my phone without being jostled. As I unlock my phone, I notice several missed calls from Arwan. I didn't answer any of them, as I'd left my phone on silent during my ride here. He's obviously angry with me for being late, but I don't understand why he insists I arrive four hours before the flight. It's a bit excessive, and Arwan's whims can sometimes be quite confusing.