

With my luggage in hand, I can't help but stare at Waverly's back as she waits just in front of the lift doors, anticipating our arrival on our floor. Today, she's not wearing her usual heels, and I'm struck by how much smaller she looks without them. In the past, she exuded confidence and appeared larger than life with her head held high. But now, in her trainers, she seems more vulnerable and approachable. It's a side of her I hadn't really noticed before.

Being alone with her since the science exhibition adds to the moment's intensity. I know I should be careful and keep my emotions in check, but it's hard to resist the attraction between us. I have to keep a certain distance, for both our sakes. The last few days have been agonising, my mind consumed by her thoughts, and I can't allow myself to be swept away by these feelings.