The Lakers


I study my reflection in the mirror, trying to process the whirlwind of emotions that have engulfed me in the last few moments. I'm struggling to understand the events that have just unfolded, and how I managed to remain calm on the outside while feeling a storm of panic inside.

All I wanted was to go shopping and have a moment of distraction and relaxation on this trip. I hadn't realised that I would lose track of time and that it would cause Arwan so much worry and distress.

His reaction took me completely by surprise. I hadn't expected him to be so worried and stressed because of me. It's as if he's a different person, and I can't help wondering what triggered such a strong response from him.

Why did he rush to hug me?

It wasn't like him, and it left me completely perplexed. The involvement of the security team only added to my confusion. I can't understand why they were even called in for such a simple situation.