

I step onto the university campus, my mood not quite as buoyant as I'd prefer. The previous days' happiness seems distant now, overshadowed by a cloud of uncertainty. Ever since Ty's party, my emotions have taken a nosedive. Guilt and anger churn within me, battling for dominance. Right now, rage has the upper hand. I'm determined to hold onto it. I don't want to give in to the confusion and vulnerability that's been nagging at me since that night.

Waverly's actions at the party haunt my thoughts. Why did she approach me? What was the purpose of that confrontation? Was it truly just about some supposed 'attraction' between us? I can't wrap my head around it. I can't wrap my head around her. I thought I had a handle on my feelings, that I was finally content with being with Zoya. And yet, Waverly remains in the background, a persistent presence that I can't ignore.