Lost Girl


A few days ago,

I step out of the house, my head spinning with disbelief. Arwan's revelation echoes in my mind, a dissonant tune that I struggle to comprehend. Why? Why would he confess that now? The weight of his words presses down on me, and an unsettling feeling takes root deep within me. Does he see me as nothing more than a girl he's slept with? Is that the extent of his perception of me? It's a thought that twists and turns in my mind like a knot I can't untangle.

I had thought we were building something more, that there was an understanding between us that surpassed the physical. Was I mistaken? Did I misinterpret his intentions? My emotions churn, a mix of confusion, frustration, and hurt. I had allowed myself to be vulnerable with him, to let down the walls I had carefully constructed. I believed that we were finding a connection, a shared understanding that went beyond the surface. But now, I question everything.