

My consciousness drifts back from the darkness, a slow and uncertain return to reality. My head feels heavy, and my thoughts are muddled as if emerging from a deep, dreamless sleep. I blink, my vision blurry at first, struggling to make sense of my surroundings.

Coldness seeps into my bones, and a shiver runs through me. I try to move, to shift away from the chill that's taken hold of me, but my body protests with a jolt of pain that radiates through my entire being. Confusion washes over me, a fog that clings to my thoughts, making it difficult to piece together what's happening.


Her name echoes in my mind, a lifeline that tugs at my consciousness. I remember finding her, a surge of relief and worry crashing over me as I held her in my arms. But then, darkness takes over, swallowing my memories and leaving me with a void that's impossible to fill.