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The world blurs around me as I grip the steering wheel, my heart racing in time with the rapid beat of the road beneath my tires. My foot presses on the gas pedal, the engine's roar echoing my urgency. Every passing moment feels like an eternity, a countdown to the truth I'm racing towards.

Liliana's text message flashes in my mind, the words etched into my thoughts: 'He's safe. Arwan is safe.' It's like a lifeline, a glimmer of hope that pierces through the darkness that's haunted me for days. I can hardly believe it, can barely process the reality that her brother, the one I had desperately searched for, is out of danger.

The wind rushes through the open windows, whipping strands of my hair into a frenzy. But I hardly notice. All that matters is the destination drawing nearer, the house that promises answers, reassurance, and seeing Arwan safe and sound.