Eyes Opened


When I open my eyes, it feels like someone is cutting my skull open because I'm in so much pain. The ache I'm feeling seems so unrealistic that I feel like I'm dying on the spot. Ignoring the hurt, I start scanning my surroundings, coming across nothing but white and a room I don't know. Or maybe it's not so unfamiliar. I remember being in a similar place not so long ago. Just after I'd returned from my father locking me up, torturing me, and forcing me to do something I now regret.

It was a hospital room.

And I think that's where I am now.

I try to move, but a sharp pain shoots through my left leg, making me wince. It's then that I realise the pounding in my head and the discomfort in my leg. Panic starts to set in as I try to sit up, but a gentle, but firm hand on my shoulder stops me.

"Please try to stay still," a nurse says softly. She looks at me with a mixture of sympathy and professionalism.