Moving On


I tap nervously against the floor, not knowing what I'm doing. I'd so much like to be sure of my choice and what it entails, but now that I'm here, I'm not sure of anything. It's as if all my certainties have collapsed; all I want to do is get on a plane and go back to the UK, where I feel I belong. But I can't, can I? I can't go back so easily when it's a choice that took me hours and hours of thought. In the end, I simply had no choice.

Being here is my best option.

"Hey," says a voice behind my back. "You're new, aren't you?"

As I lift my head to face the voice behind me, I'm confronted by a blond man with eyes so blue they seem to contain the entire ocean. His gaze is intense, and for a moment, I feel like I could drown in his eyes. It's bothersome.

"I've just been transferred, yes," I reply, my voice firm to let him know I'm not inclined to conversation.

"Cool," he segues, however, in a thick Irish accent. "And what's your major?"