Carrying On


I watch Arwan disappear behind his bedroom door. He hates me. He definitely hates me. And I hate myself, too. I'm so angry at myself for putting him through all this, for leaving without saying anything and letting him think he didn't matter. How could he even think that?

Arwan means so much to me. More than he can ever imagine. And I'd like him to understand that. I'd like him to believe that. I wish I could prove to him that I never thought of him as just a guy I wanted to fuck. I've always wanted to see beyond what he shows, and I guess I have now.

Because, according to Lil', it's been far too long since he's smiled.

And I don't like that.

I take a deep breath and pick up my handbag. If Arwan's expecting me to leave, he's entirely mistaken because I'm not going to do that. Instead, I grab all the ingredients I've brought and head for the kitchen.