Leaving Behind


Our stay in Ireland is going much more slowly than I would have liked. It's torture to watch all those days go by and to stay alone within the four walls of a hotel. In the end, I didn't go out. I remained in my room all week, doing nothing until today—the day we leave.

Lil' spent the whole week with Emery. I didn't get to see her that much, but I know they spent much time in Dublin, as my sister kept sending me photos.

She had a big smile on every one of them, so I didn't say anything negative. It's been a long time since I've seen her happy. For two years, in fact.

I feel like everything fell apart two years ago. For her and for me.

She didn't tell me anything about what happened, but Jared did. A year ago, he admitted he was dating my sister and loved her. I laughed in his face when he told me this because I can't believe he actually thought I hadn't seen anything.