

The day after Arwan told me the truth about his body, we're all surprised when someone knocked on the door, and Jared appears before us with flowers in his hands. When Arwan took me back to his mum's, he decided to stay for lunch.

And a few minutes later, his best friend is there, his eyes lighting up with love. I was the one who opened the door, but Lil' quickly came when I called her, saying it was urgent, and now they're both standing in front of each other, paralysed and speechless, with neither of them daring to say anything.

I soon feel like too much, so I leave them alone and go into the kitchen, where Arwan is eating his fried eggs.

"Who was that?" he asks me. I squint my eyes, trying to determine if he's playing a role and knew all along he was coming, but it doesn't seem to be the case.


He frowns. "Jared? As in 'Jar'? My Jar? My best mate?"