

I've got my arm behind Emery's shoulders while she's snuggled up against me, hugging my torso like it's the most natural thing between us. It's so foreign, but nothing feels wrong. Everything between us feels right, like it's really what she and I are meant to do.

I used to think that was a naive or even stupid thought, but not any more. It's the last thing I can think of when I feel so comfortable with her, so fulfilled. It's exactly like a jigsaw puzzle finally taking shape. And suddenly, I'm wondering how I've survived the last two years without her—if you can even call my state of lament surviving.

It was a real surprise to find her in my home and see all her effort put into me. I feel so touched that my chest hurts. I'm still a bit confused about what all this means for us. If we should still pretend that nothing is going on and that it's normal that I find myself hugging her and wanting to kiss her like crazy.