Big Surprise


I think I'm feeling a bit better.

It's been two weeks since Lil' and Arwan rescued me from my kidnapper and I'm back in the UK. The jury called: I've won the internship with Dr Siobhan O'Connor. I'm far from surprised. It's what Conan predicted. It's also what I expected.

This news brought me back to reality and took me out of the bubble I've been in since I've been here. I started thinking about my life again, about everything I've built up in Ireland and my plans there.

But the uncertainties were so significant that I decided to put that aside. I don't even know if I still want to go back there and live the life that's been imposed on me. I know I don't ever want to live like that again.

I don't know what I will do in the future, but for now, I'm trying not to think about it. Lil' and her mother don't seem to mind my staying with them.