A Safe Place

This was Yohana's first visit to Harnisse Castle. The castle stood imposingly, its towering walls encircling the structure.

Adorned with battlements and narrow windows, the walls offered both a strategic advantage and breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

The main entrance, guarded by heavy oak doors, boasted intricate carvings of the Berger family crest.

In her previous life, while Yohana had been assigned the task of assassinating Count Yannik, she had never ventured inside the castle.

The inner courtyard welcomed her with a captivating scene. Meticulously landscaped, it showcased lush gardens, vibrant flower beds, and a central fountain that serenaded with its gentle trickling.

Within the courtyard, statues of revered Saints stood sentinel, their stone gazes watching over the castle's inhabitants.

Upon stepping out of the carriage, Yohana was greeted with a polite bow from Mr. Reitz and a woman who seemed to be Mrs. Stringer. Rows of servants, including Wibke, stood near the front door to welcome them.

Yohana had played the role of a noblewoman before, but she had never been treated with such respect.

"Welcome back, My Lord, My Lady," they greeted Count Yannik and Yohana.

Before anything else, Count Yannik inquired about his wife's whereabouts. "Is the countess at home?"

"Her Ladyship is resting in her bed chamber, My Lord. Do you wish to summon her?" Mr. Reitz answered.

"No, let her be," Count Yannik replied.

Given Countess Augusta's behavior in Yohana's previous life, it was safe to assume that her relationship with Count Yannik was not good. Yohana wondered if her presence in the castle would further exacerbate their relationship.

In a hushed voice, Yohana inquired, ensuring no one else could overhear, "Count, do you think your wife will be accepting of this arrangement?"

Count Yannik's expression lacked conviction as he pursed his lips before responding,

"It is my duty to protect and ensure the safety of the former princess. It is also my wife's responsibility to support me in fulfilling my obligations."

Count Yannik guided Yohana through the castle, entering the magnificent main hall. The hall unfolded before them, revealing its grandeur and opulent decoration.

Towering arches framed the expansive space, while tall windows bathed the room in natural light, casting a gentle glow upon the polished marble floors and intricate tapestries adorning the walls.

A grand staircase with a sweeping banister led to the upper levels of the castle, exuding an aura of elegance.

At the pinnacle of the staircase, Yohana's gaze met the familiar sight of Countess Augusta, her blonde locks cascading around her. Their eyes locked for a fleeting moment, but the countess soon furrowed her brow, turned away, and vanished behind the concealing walls.

Yohana discreetly tugged on her dress as she trailed behind Count Yannik, her eyes still lingering on the spot where Countess Augusta had disappeared. They reached the upper floor, and her attention shifted to a heavy oak door that stood before them.

"This is my office," Count Yannik informed her.

With a sense of anticipation, Yohana crossed the threshold and entered the office. There was a big desk made from polished mahogany, serving as the focal point of the room. Behind it was a high-back chair, upholstered in fine, deep burgundy fabric.

Across from the desk was a fireplace. Adjacent to it stood bookcases, showcasing the count's intellectual pursuits and his commitment to his responsibilities. A comfortable sitting area was nestled near the windows.

Count Yannik picked up a small ornament from a bookshelf, causing it to slide back and reveal a hidden passage. Before venturing into the secret path, he grabbed a candle to illuminate their way.

They ventured deeper into the concealed labyrinth until they reached a plain door. Count Yannik pushed it open, unveiling a modestly furnished chamber.

"I hope you won't find it appalling to stay in the basement, Princess," Count Yannik expressed with concern. "Please pardon the simplicity of the chamber, as we had to act swiftly, and I had no time to prepare for your arrival."

Contrary to Count Yannik's worries, Yohana found solace in the unassuming bedchamber, appreciating its simplicity compared to the extravagance of Nanty Narking.

"Not at all, Count Yannik," Yohana assured him. "I would feel burdened if you went to great lengths, and I believe I have already inconvenienced you too much."

"Princess, I will assign Mrs. Stringer, my housekeeper, to attend to your needs directly. She has been in my service for a long time, and I trust her," he said.

"Thank you."

With that, Count Yannik made his way back to the first floor, allowing Yohana to have some privacy and time to rest. She lay down on the bed, finding comfort in its familiar embrace.

"This place should be safe enough, shouldn't it?" she murmured to herself.


"Good evening, My Lady. I am Layla Stringer, and I will be at your service for the duration of your stay. Please let me know if you need anything," Mrs. Stringer introduced herself. She arrived at Yohana's chamber sometime after Count Yannik's departure.

"I'll let you know if I need something, Mrs. Stringer. Thank you," Yohana responded politely.

"I will prepare your bath now, then, My Lady."

Shortly after, Mrs. Stringer returned to guide Yohana to the separate bathroom. The bathtub was already filled with warm water and adorned with aromatic flower petals.

Mrs. Stringer offered to assist Yohana with undressing, but she politely declined. "I can manage. You may leave now, Mrs. Stringer."

The housekeeper bowed politely without questioning Yohana's unusual rejection of the bathing assistance. "Shall I prepare your dinner, My Lady?"

"Yes, please. Can you bring it to my chamber? You can leave it there," Yohana requested.

"Very well, My Lady."

The warm bath was bliss for Yohana's sore muscles. She could feel the tension in her body slowly fading away.

Catching the intruder herself had been no easy feat in this untrained body. She realized the importance of improving her physical abilities to better defend herself against unknown assailants in the future, considering the former princess seemed to have many enemies.

While she was relaxing in the tub and contemplating her next course of action, Mrs. Stringer arrived. She knocked on the open door but refrained from entering, respecting Yohana's privacy.

"Your dinner is ready in your chamber, My Lady," Mrs. Stringer announced.

"Thank you. You can collect the empty tray tomorrow morning. I wish to rest for the night," Yohana replied.

"Yes, My Lady. Is there anything else I can do for you, My Lady?"

"That will be all. You may attend to your other duties," Yohana dismissed her.

"Very well. Have a restful night, My Lady. I will return in the morning," Mrs. Stringer said, and she left for the first floor.


Yohana knew that she wouldn't be able to sleep on her first night in a strange place, especially with the lurking danger that kept her alert. However, she figured she had to at least rest her body, so she lay on the bed with her eyes closed.

As predicted, sleep eluded Yohana for a very long time that night. She remained in her position, her mind consumed with thoughts.

One of her contemplations revolved around the potential perpetrator behind the leaked information. If it was indeed an organization, she pondered the reasons behind their reckless action and the possible benefits they sought.

However, a more pressing concern weighed on her mind: Who had leaked the information in the first place?

While Madam Geneviere had assured her that the secret room was secure, Yohana harbored doubts.

After all, in her previous life, she had discovered the room herself. What prevented others from finding it too?

The window was easily noticeable with a little more attention, and the continuous daytime arrival of people through the ladder seemed suspicious.

It was possible that the attack that occurred that night was unrelated to the leaked information's purpose. It could have been a mere coincidence that someone harboring a grudge against the royal family discovered the former princess' whereabouts.

Lost in her thoughts, Yohana was abruptly startled by a noise outside. She rose from the bed and cautiously checked the door, finding everything quiet.

To ease her unease, she lit a candle and carefully inspected the entire secret path, ensuring that no one was lurking. Eventually, she reached Count Yannik's office.

Count Yannik remained there, engrossed in perusing a stack of documents on the table, his forehead creased with a deep frown. He massaged his temple and let out a prolonged sigh.

"I have to talk to her," he muttered then groaned, a sense of hesitance washed over him.

Yohana could guess the unfolding situation. The count must have somehow discovered the Bashavil and Angel Weed herbs purchased by Countess Augusta, possibly even handed to him directly.

Aware of the herbs' effects on individuals, the count must have been shocked. Now, he had to uncover the motive behind their acquisition. Yohana wondered how Countess Augusta would attempt to evade responsibility.

Yohana observed as Count Yannik rang the bell, and moments later, Mr. Reitz entered the office. "Yes, My Lord," he responded.

"Can you fetch my wife? I need to speak with her," Count Yannik requested.

Mr. Reitz maintained his gaze fixed on the floor as he delivered the news, "My Lord, the countess has been away and has not yet returned."

Count Yannik slammed his fist on the table in frustration. "She hasn't returned? But it's already night. Is she planning to spend the night elsewhere?"

The count took a deep breath, regaining control of his emotions, before inquiring, "Where did she go?"

"I was informed that she went to Mr. Isaak's residence," Mr. Reitz told him.

"My brother?"