The Second Son

Countess Augusta was well aware of the potential consequences if anyone discovered that she had spent the night at her husband's brother's residence.

However, the thought of sharing the same roof with another woman, regardless of her identity, was unbearable for the countess. What troubled her most was that Count Yannik hadn't bothered to inform her in advance or seek her permission.

The countess despised the audacity displayed by her husband. Although it was true that she had been distant from him recently, she believed that a proper conversation should have taken place before he brought his mistress into their home.

During her marriage to Count Yannik, Countess Augusta had visited Isaak's residence on numerous occasions, typically for social gatherings, always accompanied by her husband.

This was the first time she had come alone. She recalled Isaak's gentle gaze and his previous offer of assistance if she ever needed it. Now, she felt it was the appropriate moment to seek his help.

Isaak von Berger, the second son of the Berger family, resided in the second-largest property owned by the family. His estate rivaled the grandeur of Harnisse Castle with its magnificent architecture and towering walls.

The garden was the most beautiful place Countess Augusta had ever laid her eyes upon. The towering bushes adorned with soft-colored flowers appeared even more magnificent than those found in Harnisse Castle.

However, the main distinction lay in the interior of the estate itself. The main hall boasted a massive size with exotic paintings adorning the ceiling.

Every part of Isaak's residence that Countess Augusta passed by exuded a welcoming atmosphere, which brought her a sense of comfort.

Perhaps she had become too at ease, as she now found herself shedding tears in the sitting room. The crackling fire in the fireplace provided a comforting warmth to the space.

"Countess, are you alright?" Isaak asked, expressing his concern.

Countess Augusta repeatedly wiped the tears from her eyes, yet they continued to fall unabated. Despite her efforts to regain control, her breathing was unsteady as she struggled to speak. With great difficulty, she managed to utter, "No, I'm not."

In terms of appearance, Countess Augusta believed her husband surpassed his brother. Isaak was shorter and plumper compared to her husband, whose physique was remarkable.

Count Yannik possessed a kindness that extended to everyone, not just his wife. While this very quality had initially attracted Countess Augusta and led her to fall in love with him, it had become unbearable now.

As tears streamed down her face, Isaak approached her, offering his handkerchief, his lips sealed. Countess Augusta locked eyes with Isaak, finding her own reflection in his brown gaze.

Isaak was a man of ill temper, but not toward the countess. She appreciated this side of him, as it reassured her of her importance.

While knowing that she should refrain from proceeding further, considering the vulnerability of her emotions, Countess Augusta was unable to resist the impulse. She was fully aware that she might regret her forthcoming actions, yet she proceeded, nonetheless.

"My husband is going to divorce me," she muttered, her fingers inching closer to Isaak's.

"Good Saints! Where did such nonsensical thought come from, Countess? Surely you don't believe my brother to be so foolish. How could he let go of such a beautiful woman like yourself?" Isaak's retort was infused with anger, his fists clenched tightly.

"I fear that my husband is having an affair, Sir Isaak," Countess Augusta turned to face Isaak, her eyes shimmering with tears and her face damp with sorrow. "Dear Sir, what should I do if it is indeed true? What will become of me, a mere commoner, once my husband chooses another woman?"

She broke down in tears, covering her face with her trembling hands.

"That is quite a grave accusation, Countess. Do you possess any evidence to support such claims?"

She sniffled, fighting back her tears, gathering enough strength to recount her story. "A few weeks ago, someone approached me. At first, he inquired if my husband frequently stayed out late. I confirmed that it was due to his duties."

Countess Augusta wiped the corners of her eyes with the handkerchief and pressed on, "He warned me not to place excessive trust. He also urged me to tail my husband and discover the truth for myself. I followed his advice, and..."

Her voice trailed off abruptly as she burst into tears once more, unable to continue.

Isaak leaned in closer, providing comfort and support. Suddenly, Countess Augusta rested her head on his chest. Her face was buried in Isaak's shoulder, her voice was muffled as she spoke, "I found my husband visiting a brothel."

The countess could sense his rage, but he managed to restrain himself, perhaps because of her presence.

Embracing the countess, Isaak gently rubbed her trembling back. "Worry not, Countess. I promise to teach him a lesson for hurting you," he reassured her.

"But how will you do that, Sir Isaak?"

Her concern was valid, considering that Isaak was merely the second son of the family. Count Yannik was the one set to inherit the title, estates, and family businesses. Isaak held considerably less power compared to his older brother.

"That is for me to worry about. For now, my concern is solely for you. I don't think I can send you home while you're in this state of distress," he replied.

Since their first meeting, Countess Augusta had sensed that Isaak didn't see her only as his brother's wife. The sparkle in his eyes revealed that he regarded her as a woman, igniting a sense of joy within her.

"Regarding that, I hope I'm not overstepping, but may I ask for a favor?" the countess inquired with a gentle tone.

"Yes, please speak, Countess," Isaak responded.

"Would you be so kind as to allow me to stay here for the night?"


That morning, Yohana was permitted to spend the day in Count Yannik's office, as he believed confining her to the basement for the entire day would be excessive.

"How do you find your chamber, Princess? Is there anything that is not to your liking? If so, I will have Mr. Reitz address it immediately," Count Yannik inquired while seated at his desk.

Yohana, gazing out at the courtyard from the couch, responded, "My chamber is very comfortable, Count. It is not the room itself that prevented me from sleeping, but rather the overall situation."

"Yes, you are right, Princess. I understand that it is worrisome that people are after you, and the responsible party has yet to be apprehended. I am still reaching out to individuals who may help in this matter. I ask for your patience as we await the outcome," he told her.

"What happened to the former soldier who attacked me the other night?"

"I will send him into exile in another kingdom. Additionally, I have decided to have his right hand severed to prevent him from committing a similar offense in the future," the count informed her.

"You have worked diligently. Thank you."

"That is only my duty, Princess."

While Yohana was sipping the tea prepared by Mr. Reitz, she noticed a carriage entering the castle. The passenger in the carriage was none other than Countess Augusta, and she had traveled without her ladies-in-waiting.

"It appears that the countess has returned, Count," Yohana informed him.

Count Yannik promptly stood up from his chair and rushed to the window to catch a glimpse of his wife. "Please excuse me, Princess, there is something I must attend to. Mr. Reitz will assist you with anything while I am away."

He grabbed his coat and left the office, leaving Yohana and Mr. Reitz alone in the room.

"Perhaps I shall retire to my chamber now," Yohana said.

"Certainly, My Lady. Allow me to accompany you." Mr. Reitz lit a candle and guided Yohana through the secret path until they reached her chamber.


That night, sleep still didn't find Yohana. While lying on the bed, she heard something.

She had heard something similar the previous day, which had turned out to be nothing. Therefore, Yohana decided to disregard the noise.

But the sound persisted, and soon she heard the unmistakable sound of someone turning the doorknob.

Maintaining that posture to fool the intruder, Yohana's hearing sense was heightened, gauging the situation.

The footsteps were light, indicating that the intruder was likely a female. Yohana also detected the sound of ragged breath, suggesting that the intruder was nervous. It seemed to be her first attempt at something like this.

Perhaps she had never had an opportunity or encountered a situation that required her to take such action. All these signs pointed to one person.

Countess Augusta.

Yohana sensed the intruder climbing onto the bed, which seemed ridiculous. It was a surefire way to expose oneself when attacking someone while they were asleep. However, Countess Augusta was clearly an amateur at this.

Yohana abruptly opened her eyes, catching the countess off guard.


The countess screamed and stumbled backward, dropping the knife. Yohana quickly grabbed her wrist to prevent her from hitting her head on the floor.

Frustrated that her plan had been thwarted, the countess regained her footing and reached for Yohana's neck, determined to choke the life out of her.

Yohana swiftly struck the countess' inner elbow, causing her to flail, but she maintained a strong grip around Yohana's neck.