Do You Love Me?

The countess' previous scream, as she fell from the bed, must have awakened almost everyone in the castle, as hurried footsteps were approaching their location.

"Princess!" Count Yannik exclaimed, coming to a halt in front of the door. He stood there, taking in the scene before him.

"Countess..." Mr. Reitz murmured from behind the count, while Mrs. Stringer covered her mouth in shock.

The servants, still in their sleeping attire, had gathered in confusion. Count Yannik, dressed in his suit, was the only one who seemed prepared for the disturbance. He must have been working late again.

"Countess, what have you done?" Count Yannik's accusatory tone resonated through the room, making even Yohana uncomfortable.

The countess' face turned red. She released her grip on Yohana's neck and clenched her teeth. It was evident that she was deeply upset with the situation.

Perhaps she saw it as the end of the line, with no hope for the future, leading her to attempt to kill Yohana once again.

Count Yannik swiftly intervened, grasping the countess by the waist. "Stop! Stop it!" he urged, trying to restrain her.

The countess struggled to break free from Count Yannik's strong grip, but her energy quickly waned. Eventually, the count handed her over to Mrs. Stringer.

"Come with me, My Lady. Are you alright?" Mrs. Stringer said, taking hold of the countess' shoulders.

As they exited the secret chamber, the countess caught a glimpse of her husband draping a blanket over Yohana's back. She bit her lower lip, tears streaming down her cheeks, and walked away.

"Princess..." Count Yannik swallowed the apology he wanted to offer on behalf of his wife.

Yohana tightened the blanket around her shoulders and reassured him, "I'm fine now."

Ever since their eyes had met in Fine Threads Tailoring in Yohana's previous life, she had sensed that their lives would become entangled with each other.

The fact that Countess Augusta continued to purchase Angel Weed from her, despite knowing its dangerous nature, had not escaped Yohana's memory. There was something deeper at play, something that compelled the countess to make such a fateful decision.

Adding to that, Yohana had overheard some additional information yesterday—Countess Augusta had spent the night at Isaak's residence.

Though she was still unaware of the exact nature of the couple's relationship, she understood that her presence had indeed worsened their marital discord.

Count Yannik examined Yohana's neck, and she once again reassured him, saying, "Truly, Count, thank you for your concern, but I'm alright now. Your wife wasn't strong enough to cause any serious harm to me."

"Please forgive me, Princess. This should never have happened, not here, not within the confines of my own house," Count Yannik sighed, feeling remorseful about the incident.

"Shouldn't you have a conversation with the countess? It seems she harbors a lot of resentment," Yohana suggested.

"Yes, but I can't leave you in this state," Count Yannik replied.

"Yes, you can. I would appreciate some rest. We can discuss this further in the morning," Yohana said, climbing back onto her bed.

Count Yannik stood up and said, "Very well, then. Please excuse me, Princess."


Upon reaching his office, Count Yannik instructed Mr. Reitz to prepare a guest room for Yohana to stay in. "Choose one near my chamber. I want to personally ensure her safety. This incident must never be repeated."

"Certainly, My Lord," Mr. Reitz promptly left the office to carry out the order.

Mrs. Stringer, who had already returned to the office, suggested, "Her Ladyship is currently in her chamber, My Lord. She is still in a state of shock. Perhaps it would be better to speak to her tomorrow when things have calmed down."

Count Yannik felt sorry for his servants, who had been burdened with managing this incident in the middle of the night. He wanted nothing more than to give them the rest they deserved.

However, he was consumed by disbelief and couldn't rest until he learned the motive directly from the countess herself.

"I would like to speak with her now," he declared.

"But, My Lord..." Mrs. Stringer attempted to dissuade him, but he remained resolute in his decision, leaving her with no choice but to comply. "Very well, My Lord."

She led the way to the countess' chamber and announced Count Yannik's arrival.

Upon entering, the entire atmosphere of the chamber shifted. Count Yannik remained silent, standing in the center of the room, waiting for Countess Augusta to speak.

The expression on the count's face conveyed to Countess Augusta the seriousness of her actions, leaving her fearful that it might lead to divorce. Overwhelmed by this possibility, she broke down.

The sight of her tears softened Count Yannik's heart, tempering his anger considerably. He took a seat beside her and gently held her hand.

"My dear, I know you are not someone who acts with ill intentions. Please, explain to me so that I can understand."

Count Yannik's tender voice evoked memories of the past for Countess Augusta when her love for her husband consumed her thoughts. During that time, she had made a vow to accept him entirely, along with his duties and responsibilities.

But what had caused this change? It had to be that person. The man who had sown seeds of doubt in her mind about her husband.

"My Lord, do you love me?" she clung to his coat, her grip so tight that her fingers turned pale.

Count Yannik gently rubbed her fingers, carefully prying them off his coat and holding them in his palms. "Of course, my love. There is no one in this world I love more deeply than you. Why do you question my feelings?"

"Will you divorce me?" she finally voiced her greatest fear, the fear that had driven her to commit various unlawful acts.

"Why would I, my love? Didn't I just tell you that I love you? Why would I want to be separated from my soulmate?"

Countess Augusta lowered her gaze, trembling. "But your mistress…"

"What are you talking about, love? What mistress? You are the only woman I would have ever had eyes for." As he spoke, Count Yannik suddenly realized where the misunderstanding stemmed from. "My dear, that lady is not my mistress. I cannot disclose the details, but it is my responsibility to ensure her safety. She has recently been targeted."

The countess' eyes lit up, reassured that she was still the only woman in her husband's heart.

However, another past incident resurfaced in her memory, reigniting her doubts. "But, My Lord, I know that you have been frequenting a brothel."

He took her chin and lifted it, meeting her gaze. "That is where the lady has been hiding. I was simply there to assist her. Now that she is here, there is no need for me to visit the Red District."

Countess Augusta remained silent. Even though she finally understood the situation, she still felt a peculiar tug in her heart.

Count Yannik tenderly kissed her forehead, gripping her hands tightly. "Do not worry, my dear. I will never abandon you."

She realized that she had no choice but to accept the situation.


Since the lady was relocated to the guest chamber, it was inevitable for Countess Augusta to cross paths with her. The more she saw the lady, the stronger her hatred grew. She couldn't conceal her contempt towards the unfamiliar woman, let alone establish any acquaintance.

Countess Augusta couldn't bear the presence of such a beautiful woman in her home. To ease her mind from the thoughts of the lady, she often ventured into town or visited Isaak.

Today was one of those days. Countess Augusta savored the delicious tea prepared by Isaak's maid in the sitting room. However, she couldn't ignore the growing familiarity she felt with this place.

Her jealousy was predominantly fueled by the lady's beauty. Throughout her life, Countess Augusta had been considered a stunning woman. She was well aware of her charms as everyone around her constantly praised her.

Yet, now she faced a formidable rival with unmatched grace, causing her to question her own worth.

She realized how limited her world had been and how much she still didn't know. It became apparent that there were more beautiful individuals beyond Harnisse, and her husband had encountered them while fulfilling his duties.

Upon learning what Count Yannik had disclosed about the lady and the incident at the brothel, Isaak wholeheartedly believed his brother. However, this only heightened the countess' distress.

"But I can't be certain that she will remain a stranger to him," she lamented, her fear of divorce still lingering.

She came to a realization that her fear wasn't solely about her husband ceasing to love her. Instead, she had grown accustomed to the life of a nobleman's wife.

In her days as a commoner, despite her remarkable beauty, noblemen didn't court her. Other women resented her for being too attractive to be their friend. Men from the lower classes, crude and uncouth, were the ones who pursued her.

The thought of a divorce from Count Yannik filled her with dread. It would mean losing this comfortable life. The idea of returning to a commoner's existence was unsettling.

She wanted to escape the belittling looks she had endured in the past. The positive attention she had finally garnered was something she didn't want to relinquish.

The solution to her predicament lay right in front of her. Countess Augusta reached out and kissed Isaak passionately. Even if Count Yannik were to leave her, she would already have someone who could guarantee her a life of luxury.