Getting Fresh Air

Countess Augusta's heart sank as she looked up at her husband, tears welling in her eyes. "My Lord, of course not. I have loved you with all my heart. I still do. Please believe me, My Lord."

"Did you really not know, or are you just pretending not to know?" Count Yannik massaged his temple, closing his eyes. "I feel like I don't know who you are anymore, Countess."

Judging by her husband's reaction, Countess Augusta knew that he was referring to those herbs. If he discovered that she had indeed attempted to poison him, she didn't know what he would do. She was afraid that he might execute her, so she decided to feign ignorance.

The countess fell to her knees before him and crawled to his leg, pleading, "My Lord, please... I don't understand what you're saying. Are you accusing me of something?"

He opened his eyes and scrutinized the countess' face, searching for any sign of honesty. "Didn't you order Mr. Reitz to give me Angel Weed and Bashavil teas?"

She looked up at him, attempting to evoke pity, knowing how soft-hearted her husband was, especially when it came to her. "Yes, My Lord. I was told that Angel Weed can alleviate your breathing difficulties when in contact with wool, and Bashavil would help you sleep."

Finally, Count Yannik's gaze softened. It seemed that he believed her. He crouched down to touch her face, and she closed her eyes, feeling the rough surface of his palm against her cheek.

"Did you really not know?" Count Yannik sought one last confirmation.

Countess Augusta knew that she just had to meet his gaze to make him believe her words. She looked up and said, "Please forgive me for my ignorance, but I have no idea what you are referring to, My Lord."

He helped her up and kissed her face, gently wiping the tears away. "I apologize for my behavior, Countess. You must be confused. But please refrain from giving me those herbs for the time being. If I take both of them at the same time, it could have fatal consequences."

Pretending to be surprised, Countess Augusta closed her mouth with her palm and acted as if she was about to faint. "My Lord, please tell me you're lying."

Count Yannik supported her back to prevent her from falling, shaking his head with a somber expression. "I'm afraid not, my dear."

"No! Tell me it's a lie. There's no way... That means that you almost... I almost killed you." Countess Augusta's performance was impeccable, especially with tears that could appear on command like this. If she were an actress, she would be famous.

Although Count Yannik came to believe her and let go of his suspicions, Countess Augusta still felt upset about the silver lady.

However, she swallowed her dissatisfaction and resolved to bring up the topic again when the opportunity presented itself. For now, she would remain silent to maintain the peace between her and her husband.


Yohana looked out the window, observing an unfamiliar carriage entering the castle courtyard. Mr. Reitz seemed to recognize the visitor as he immediately bowed before the carriage door opened.

A man with sleek hair and a stylish suit stepped out of the carriage. Mr. Reitz politely guided him into the castle, indicating that it wasn't his first visit.

Intrigued, Yohana discreetly peered from her chamber and saw Mr. Reitz and the man standing in front of Count Yannik's office.

"My Lord, Sir Isaak is here to see you," Mr. Reitz announced.

So, that was Isaak, Count Yannik's brother, whom Yohana had heard was attempting to usurp the title from Count Yannik.

Once Count Yannik granted permission, Isaak entered the office while Mr. Reitz left them for privacy. Yohana wondered what they might be discussing. It could be a simple brotherly visit, but Isaak's sour expression suggested otherwise.

It could also involve a family business issue, or perhaps it concerned the countess or even Yohana herself. If Isaak had somehow discovered Yohana's presence and Countess Augusta's disapproval, he might try to convince Count Yannik to dismiss Yohana on the countess' behalf.

The latter scenario seemed most plausible, considering the gossip Yohana had overheard among the villagers during Count Yannik's funeral in her previous life.

Feeling the presence of Isaak in the castle, Yohana knew she had to be cautious and avoid worsening the already existing tension. However, she felt stifled inside her chamber, regretting not leaving earlier when she had the chance.

It had been a few days since the attempted assassination by Countess Augusta, an event Yohana had witnessed firsthand. She saw how deeply it had shaken Count Yannik. Since then, Yohana had remained sequestered in her chamber, not venturing outside.

Her chamber was situated on the right wing of the castle, with Count Yannik's office located near the stairs leading downstairs. On the left wing, visible from the hallway of the right wing, was the countess' chamber. This meant there was a high likelihood of encountering the countess if Yohana were to step out.

"My Lady, wouldn't it be nice for you to take a stroll in the garden? The weather is lovely and warm today. Just look at the sunshine!" suggested Mrs. Stringer.

"Should I?" Yohana contemplated.

The thought of exposing herself to the sun's warmth on such a beautiful day was daunting. However, she also considered the possibility of running into the countess and causing more trouble.

"I believe you have spent far too long confined in this chamber, My Lady. It's bound to cause stress. Getting some fresh air might be just the solution you need," Mrs. Stringer advised.

With determination, Yohana decided to go ahead with Mrs. Stringer's suggestion. The confinement had started to weigh on her, even though it had been her own choice to stay inside her chamber.

As she made her way down the hallway, she coincidentally crossed paths with Isaak storming out of Count Yannik's office. Their eyes met, causing him to abruptly turn and face his brother, unleashing his anger, "Is it because she's more beautiful than your wife?"

Standing in the doorway, his voice echoed throughout the vicinity, reaching even the distant areas. Countess Augusta, who was ascending the stairs, halted her steps. Yohana, too, found herself unable to move.

"That's absurd!" Yohana heard Count Yannik reply from inside the office.

"Then why? Brother, I never thought you were capable of such actions. I didn't realize you were the type of person to bring another woman into your home when your wife is present. Do you ever consider your wife's feelings?" Isaak shouted.

He didn't stop there. Pointing at Yohana, he continued, "If you insist on keeping your mistress, it would be best if you let go of the countess. I would take better care of her than you ever could. You don't know how to love someone. Countess Augusta is wasting away in your embrace."

"Mind your words! I'm warning you, any further mention of that will be deemed a crime of adultery," Count Yannik spoke sternly.

Isaak remained rooted in his spot, audibly panting. "Why can't you see, brother? The countess is miserable as long as that woman remains here."

"Isaak!" Count Yannik shouted. The sound of composed footsteps drew near the door. Soon, Yohana witnessed the sight of Count Yannik's face reddening with anger. It was the first time she had witnessed such fury in him.

Standing inches away from his brother's face, the count exclaimed, his eyes wide, "How dare you speak to me like that? Know your place! I have chosen to ignore your despicable feelings for her out of consideration for you, hoping that you would eventually come to your senses. But it appears that I have overestimated you."

Count Yannik's imposing stance forced Isaak to retreat until his back was firmly against the wall. He found himself cornered, desperately searching for an escape route. It was at that moment that his eyes met the countess', who remained frozen on the stairs, witnessing the commotion before her.

"Countess..." Isaak muttered, caught off guard by her presence amidst the chaos.

The countess locked eyes with Yohana, her gaze shimmering with tears. She then shifted her attention to her husband and finally to Isaak. Her brow furrowed, and she bit her lower lip before bursting into tears and fleeing to her chamber.

Her ladies-in-waiting were taken aback by the sudden turn of events. They swiftly greeted the count and Isaak before hurrying after the countess, determined to accompany her to her bedchamber.

"Look at what you've done! You've made her cry, yet again!" Isaak snapped at the count.

Count Yannik stared at the countess' retreating figure for a moment before turning his attention back to Isaak, a sneer forming on his face.

"Me? Are you so certain that she wasn't upset because of you?" Count Yannik challenged. "Think about it, Isaak! What woman wouldn't be repulsed to hear that her husband's own brother harbors a desire for her?"

Isaak's expression became complex, hinting at hidden emotions. Yohana became even more convinced of his hidden intentions when Isaak tightly pursed his lips, as though suppressing a secret, before responding with unwavering confidence.

"It's not me. It's you."

With those words, Isaak turned and departed.