Is My Love Not Enough?

Apparently, Isaak's confidence was justified, as the next morning brought another disturbance in the castle. Yohana learned that the countess was in the process of packing her belongings to leave both the count and the castle.

For some time now, the count had been knocking on her door, desperately seeking a conversation. "Countess, please, can we talk?" he implored.

The countess' responses remained consistent. Instead of facing him directly, she would send one of her ladies-in-waiting to deny him entry, claiming that she was occupied with packing and that her presence in the castle was no longer necessary.

After a prolonged and fruitless effort, Mr. Reitz joined in, adding his plea to the count's. He knocked on the door, his voice filled with genuine concern,

"My Lady, I strongly urge you to at least allow His Lordship inside. He has forsaken his mountain of responsibilities for your sake, My Lady. Please consider the sacrifices he has made."

The door swung open, revealing Countess Augusta herself. Her eyes were swollen and red, her hair disheveled, and her face devoid of any makeup. Contrary to the rumors of her imminent departure, there were no tangible signs suggesting her imminent departure from the estate.

Yohana, observing from the shadows, speculated that it may have been an empty threat.

"There is no need for further discussion. It is true that she possesses a beauty surpassing mine. If only you could hear the blatant gossip that the maids indulge in regarding me and that woman," Countess Augusta said, holding back her tears.

Count Yannik reached for her hand and spoke soothingly, "My dear, she has no bearing on our relationship. I have reassured you of this before. Pay no heed to petty gossip; you are so much more than that."

Feeling dissatisfied with Count Yannik's response, which once again seemed to dismiss the challenges faced by Countess Augusta, she yanked her hand away abruptly.

"It is easy for you to speak so lightly, as you bury yourself in your work. I am the one who has to face those maids. I am the one who endures their spiteful glances and mockery," Countess Augusta retorted.

Count Yannik gently brushed the strands of hair from her face. "Is my love not enough for you? Must you constantly seek the approval of others?"

Yohana could sense the depth of his love for the countess just by observing his gaze, and she couldn't help but wonder how the countess could be oblivious to it.

With tears in her eyes, the countess gazed into her husband's eyes and spoke with a trembling voice, "I am merely holding the honor of being your wife, My Lord. Doesn't that hold significance for you? I cannot bear the thought of anyone ridiculing you because of me."

Yet, it was she who tarnished the count's reputation with the rumors of an affair during the count's funeral in Yohana's previous life.

"Countess, I thought you knew me better than this. I chose you as my wife despite the harsh criticism I faced from high society. It may have affected my image, but I didn't care because my love for you was my priority," he expressed, his disappointment evident.

Realizing that she couldn't make him comprehend her emotions, the countess dismissed him with a firm tone. "My decision remains unchanged, My Lord. Now, it is up to you to choose between her and me. I will not tolerate sharing the same roof as that woman."

Before she retreated to her chamber, Count Yannik gently held her hand. "But where would you go if you leave your own home?"

The question did not sit well with the countess, as it implied that the count would choose Yohana over her once the countess' living situation was resolved.

"Why does that matter to you?"

While seething with rage, she turned around and locked eyes with Yohana. The intensity of her animosity grew stronger. She clenched her teeth and stomped her foot. "I will relocate to Sir Isaak's residence. It appears he understands my worth better than you ever could, My Lord."

Observing Count Yannik's troubled expression, Yohana stepped forward and declared, "There's no need for you to go to such lengths, Countess. I will depart on my own. You should stay by your husband's side, providing him comfort during challenging times at work."

She retorted, "It is not your place to dictate my actions, Madam."

"Augusta! That is not how you speak to the former Princess!" Count Yannik admonished his wife, the first time Yohana had witnessed him react in such a manner toward his beloved wife. Even Mr. Reitz, who was present, appeared taken aback.

Countess Augusta stumbled backward, her eyes widening as she looked at Yohana. "S-she's the former princess? Princess Runa?"

Count Yannik closed his eyes and leaned against the door, possibly regretting his sudden outburst that had inadvertently revealed Yohana's identity. "This is not how I intended to reveal it to you."

Yohana took it upon herself to provide an explanation. "That is correct, Countess. I am the former princess of the Schauenstein family. You should be aware that your husband was involved in the execution of the former king and queen. Consequently, he considers me his responsibility due to suspicions of the treachery evidence."

This revelation greatly shook the countess, despite her attempts to maintain composure and hide her surprise. However, Yohana could discern her true emotions clearly on her face.

The rapid movements of the countess' eyes indicated her fear that Yohana would assert her rightful place in the castle by revealing her royal status. If Yohana chose to stay, the countess would be unable to oppose the former princess.

Therefore, Yohana reaffirmed her decision, "Count Yannik, I am grateful for your hospitality and your dedication to me and my family. However, there are limits to what a former royal family member can ask of her loyal follower. You have already done more than enough."

"But, Princess..." Count Yannik began to object, but Yohana halted him by raising her hand.

"We can discuss options for my future accommodations later. Right now, I would like to take a walk in the garden. Please excuse me."

Yohana turned around and began descending the stairs. She could hear Countess Augusta continuing her complaints about Yohana's presence, but she hoped that her departure wouldn't jeopardize the count's marriage in this timeline.

Count Yannik was a genuine man who deserved happiness. Yohana sincerely wished that his fate would not mirror the one she knew.


To preserve the hard-earned peace, Yohana decided to skip dinner, providing Countess Augusta with further reassurance of her decision. She feared that her presence at the dinner table might disrupt the calm atmosphere.

After finishing her own dinner in her chamber, Yohana was informed by Mrs. Stringer that Count Yannik had returned to his office. Yohana rose from her seat and made her way to the office.

As if anticipating her arrival, Count Yannik sat on the couch with cups of tea prepared on the table. "How did you find your dinner, Princess? It's unfortunate that you had it alone, considering it may be your last night here."

Taking a sip of her tea, Yohana replied, "On the contrary, I consider it rather fortunate. This way, your wife will fully comprehend the extent of your devotion to her and never doubt your feelings in the future."

A warm smile spread across his face as he appreciated Yohana's perspective. "You are truly kind, Princess. This kingdom will surely thrive under your leadership."

"Such concerns belong to a distant future. For now, let us discuss my next destination. Is it safe for me to return to Nanty Narking?" Yohana inquired.

Count Yannik's expression turned stern as he shook his head. "I don't believe so, Princess. It would be better to find new accommodation rather than returning to a place you have previously occupied, as it could be dangerous."

Nodding in agreement, Yohana asked, "Where do you suggest I should go this time?"

He rose from the couch and walked towards the study desk while speaking, "My family owns several properties in rural areas. They may not be luxurious, but the housekeeper of the property will take care of you, and your needs will be attended to."

The count returned with a scroll in his hand and sat back on the couch, spreading the scroll to reveal a map of the Reichwein Kingdom. Red dots were scattered across the map.

"You are free to choose the location, Princess. This dot indicates an estate belonging to the Berger Family," he said.

Yohana studied the properties and their respective locations. If she wanted to hide from the world, a more rural area would be more attractive in her case.

"I don't need a large estate or numerous servants. Actually, if you could provide me with the smallest one, that would be helpful," Yohana decided.

"But Princess, are you sure you won't need any servants? Managing a house is a strenuous task, and it would be better if someone experienced could assist you," he said, but Yohana knew he simply didn't believe that a former princess was capable of managing a house all by herself.

Yohana also had to maintain the front of being a sheltered princess, so she went along with the count's thoughts. "Alright, provide me with one servant, or at most, two, to accompany me."

Count Yannik smiled and pointed to a specific dot. "This will be perfect for you, Princess."