The Blond Gentleman

Once they had successfully eluded their pursuers, the blond man gradually reduced their speed and assisted in freeing Yohana's hands, removing the gag from her mouth. He gave his coat to cover Yohana, who was only wearing her nightgown.

"I apologize for my previous actions, Lady Runa," he said, displaying genuine remorse.

"I'm sorry, but have we met before?" Yohana approached the situation cautiously, careful not to reveal her true identity. She could feign a temporary memory loss, attributing it to the shock of witnessing her parents' public execution.

As Yohana sat upright, her back facing the gentleman on the horse, she couldn't discern his expression, yet his solemn tone revealed his hidden disappointment.

"It's understandable that you don't recall our encounter. We only met briefly, but you left quite an impression on me," he confessed.

"I apologize, Sir. I'm not particularly good at remembering faces," she lied.

"I suppose I must be rather forgettable, Lady Runa. That's alright. My name is Henrie. Do you remember being imprisoned in the palace? I played a part in your escape," he revealed.

Yohana felt a pang of guilt for not remembering such a significant figure, even though she wasn't personally present during that incident. However, if his words were true, it indicated that this was not the first time he had come to her aid.

Wait! Henrie? That name sounded familiar. Then, it struck her. The current crown prince's name was Henrie. It made sense if he was a member of the current monarchy, considering he had the authority to release the imprisoned former princess.

"Are you... the crown prince?" she murmured the question, worried that she might sound ignorant, but she had to know.

He brightened up and asked, "Do you remember now?"

"I, uh..." Yohana couldn't answer as she didn't remember.

He let out a soft, gentle chuckle and said, "Yes, I am the crown prince. We talked before, but maybe it was mostly on my part as you were in a disoriented state. You might even have forgotten everything we discussed."

Feeling remorseful, Yohana couldn't respond to that statement. After a while, when she sensed that the heavy atmosphere was fading, she gathered her courage to ask, "May I know where we are heading?"

"The palace. I believe the mobsters wouldn't dare come close if you are staying there. I may sound imposing, so please pardon me, but I am doing this in your best interest," he explained.

"Are you acquainted with Count Yannik?" Yohana wondered why the crown prince would want to help her. The most plausible scenario was that Count Yannik had asked for his assistance in this complicated situation.

She turned around to see his face. Henrie appeared flustered, either because Yohana mentioned Count Yannik or because she had suddenly turned around.

"I don't know him personally. I have met him several times when he visited my father, both before and after my father was crowned as king. Actually, I learned about your location from the article. Does Count Yannik have something to do with those kidnappers?"

Yohana contemplated the question. The answer was simple. Even though Yohana was separated from the count and couldn't directly verify it, she was certain that Countess Augusta acted alone in creating the article, which was possibly related to the kidnappers.

Given the countess' previous attempt to kill her, it was easy to guess that she was solely responsible for the article. She likely held a grudge against Yohana.

However, before Yohana could honestly answer, she needed to ascertain Henrie's motive behind his curiosity. If she provided the wrong answer to the wrong person, it could have dire consequences for her or for Count Yannik.

After all, Count Yannik had discovered suspicious traces in the evidence of the previous monarch's treason. If he could prove it, the current monarchy would face the same fate. Yohana doubted that Henrie would desire such an outcome.

As she pondered her thoughts, Henrie interjected, "You don't need to worry about him, Lady Runa. As long as you're in the palace, Count Yannik won't be able to harm you."

Henrie's statement revealed his misunderstanding of the situation, but it provided Yohana with a clearer understanding of his intentions. She decided to disclose some truth, albeit not the complete truth.

"He has been a great source of assistance to me. However, my presence seems to be a source of discomfort for the countess," Yohana cautiously replied.

"Why is that?" Henrie furrowed his eyebrows, clearly confused by the situation.

Yohana chuckled at his expression, then realized that as a man of his age, Henrie should understand such matters. If he couldn't comprehend the countess' jealousy, he might face difficulties in his own marriage in the future.

"It is often challenging for a wife to trust another woman who is close to her husband," Yohana explained, though she wasn't entirely convinced that jealousy was the sole reason for the countess' animosity.

Considering the countess' capability to kill her own husband, as she had done in Yohana's previous life, it was evident that her feelings for Count Yannik were intense. However, Yohana couldn't reveal this to Henrie, so it was simpler to attribute it to jealousy.

"Ahh, I see," Henrie nodded, finally grasping the implications of Yohana's words.

Henrie remained silent for a moment, lost in thought, before he spoke again. "If I were in that position, I wouldn't let my beloved wife endure such worries. I would ensure that she feels deeply loved and cherished."

Yohana couldn't fathom why Henrie was sharing such sentiments with her. What made it even stranger was the fact that a crown prince typically had little say in choosing his partner, as royal marriages were often driven by political considerations rather than personal desires.

Henrie seemed to anticipate Yohana's thoughts and addressed them directly. "I refuse to conform to a political marriage," he stated firmly.

She didn't know how to respond to that. She wondered if Henrie, being a crown prince, could defy the expectations placed upon him. However, she didn't dare voice her doubts or question his beliefs.

They continued their journey, taking breaks to rest and replenish their energy. Henrie generously covered all expenses as Yohana was kidnapped in her nightgown. He even went as far as purchasing clothes from a female innkeeper for her.

Henrie appeared to be a principled man with strong convictions. He genuinely seemed to care for the former princess and showed a keen interest in her life as the former princess, even though Yohana had little to share.

What she liked about him was that he never pressured her into anything. If she didn't respond, he wouldn't keep bringing up the topic. Instead, he would say what's on his mind and let Yohana decide what to do with it.

With Henrie's unwavering determination to ensure her safety in the palace, Yohana found it difficult to disagree. Considering the circumstances, she couldn't think of a safer place than the palace either.

Thus, she acquiesced and continued her journey to the palace alongside Henrie in a state of peace and cooperation.


Approaching the Rathenau Palace, the splendid residence of the royal family located on the outskirts of Grossfeld, Yohana was awe-struck by its majestic presence. The three-winged complex stood as a testament to elegance, opulence, and artistic splendor, captivating her with its grandeur.

As they neared the palace, Yohana's eyes were immediately drawn to the grand facade, radiating a sense of magnificence. Its symmetrical design and intricate ornamentation showcased the exquisite craftsmanship that went into its creation.

Passing through the gate, their horse gracefully trotted along a grand parterre, bordered by a wide pool that stretched from the gate toward the courtyard. The central pavilion, adorned with graceful columns and a remarkable cupola, commanded attention as the focal point of the palace.

A flood of memories rushed through Yohana's mind as she recognized the palace from her childhood. It was here that she had met the former prince, now living in exile. Although her memories of that time were fuzzy.

As they entered the courtyard, numerous servants and maids hurriedly emerged to welcome the arrival of the current crown prince. Each member of the staff bowed respectfully as the horse came to a halt. Henrie dismounted and extended his hand to assist Yohana.

Turning to one of the servants, Henrie inquired, "Have you prepared the room?"

"Yes, Your Highness. It is ready for immediate use. I have also arranged a bath for the young lady. The journey must have been long and tiring, and we will ensure she has the opportunity to rest properly," the head maid replied.

"Very well," Henrie acknowledged. He then faced Yohana and said, "They will take excellent care of you, Lady Runa. I hope you find your stay comfortable."

Led by the head maid, Zara, Yohana was guided to the south wing of the palace. Accompanying them was another maid named Thea. While Zara exuded an air of experience, Thea seemed to be a novice, frequently losing her pace and occasionally dropping small items from her hands.

Unfazed by Thea's clumsiness, Zara continued walking, providing Yohana with an explanation. "The south wing is designated for the queen and princesses. The queen herself personally selected the chamber for you, My Lady," she clarified.

Coincidentally, as they arrived, Queen Emma made her entrance, followed by a procession of servants. Zara and Thea promptly bowed to greet the queen, and Yohana followed suit, showing her respect. The queen halted in front of Yohana, scrutinizing her from head to toe with an expression of displeasure.

"I heard that you personally chose my chamber. I am grateful for your kind hospitality, Your Majesty," Yohana expressed.

The queen opened her fan and wordlessly walked away, leaving Yohana with a sigh. It became apparent that her sanctuary life within the palace might not unfold as smoothly as she had anticipated.