The Rathenau Palace

Upon learning about the unauthorized guest Henrie had brought to the palace, the king promptly summoned his son, expressing his concern.

"What were you thinking, son?" he inquired sternly.

Henrie was well aware that this confrontation was inevitable. However, ever since he aided Runa's escape, he had been consumed by the desire to find her again.

During their brief time together, she had left an indelible impression on him that he couldn't easily dismiss. Also, there was something about her that felt familiar.

"I acknowledge that the former king and queen were treacherous to the kingdom, but their daughter is innocent. Runa had no knowledge of her father's clandestine activities. She is just as much a victim as anyone else," Henrie offered his excuse, aware of the complexities of the situation.

The king rebuffed Henrie's explanation. "That is absurd. Runa held a position of delegation in our diplomatic relations with other nations. She would have been privy to political matters and agreements, particularly if her father groomed her to assume the future leadership of Reichwein," King Georg countered.

"There is no absolute truth, Father. Multiple truths can coexist, depending on one's perspective. From your standpoint, it may seem that Runa was complicit in the treason, much like you were involved in it," Henrie said.

Henrie knew his father's point was valid. However, he also recognized that his father was not entirely blameless in this matter.

"Have you forgotten, father? You were the one who signed the papers," Henrie boldly reminded his father, hinting at his own knowledge of the king's actions.

Before ascending to the throne, King Georg had already held a prominent position as a high-ranking official and a member of the Great Council.

Serving as the Minister of Defense, he possessed the authority to engage in negotiations and finalize agreements for the kingdom's security in times of emergency, without requiring the king's explicit approval.

During that period, the former king, preoccupied with other pressing responsibilities, instructed King Georg to conclude a treaty on his behalf.

Unaware of the intricacies and implications of the treaty, King Georg fulfilled his duty and affixed his signature, unwittingly subjecting the Reichwein Kingdom to substantial economic and resource losses.

"Are you threatening me?" King Georg slammed his fist, frustrated at the act of his own son.

"Threatening you? No, Father," Henrie responded calmly, meeting his father's frustrated gaze. "I am merely ensuring the safety and protection of Lady Runa within the palace."

The news of the turmoil in the red district had reached Henrie belatedly. When he read the article in the Royal Gazette, Henrie saw it as a fortuitous opportunity to reunite with Runa and offer her a secure haven.

During her solitary journey right after her escape from the palace, Henrie had pondered various possibilities, including taking her as part of the current royal family.

However, such a decision would have been impossible, given the delicate state of affairs in Reichwein and the lingering wounds inflicted by the recent revelation of treachery.

Now, with the chance to alter public perception of Runa, Henrie saw an opportunity to reshape people's opinions and perceptions of her.

As she assured him of her innocence in her father's scheme, Henrie wholeheartedly believed her words. What if this entire ordeal was a colossal misunderstanding? What if her father had unknowingly made a grave mistake?

However, lacking concrete evidence for his suspicions, he was unable to prevent her parents' execution.

"She's a Schauenstein, Henrie. She poses a threat. What if, despite all your efforts, she turns against you? Who knows what the loyalists are plotting at this very moment! Our family's fate hangs in the balance," King Georg exclaimed, sinking back into his chair.

"I have a plan to counter that. Please, do not worry, Father. I will take charge of this matter and see it through to the end," Henrie declared, bowing respectfully before departing, leaving the king with an abundance of unspoken thoughts.

"Ugh, what am I to do with him?" King Georg sighed in exasperation.


The room Yohana found herself in boasted lavish wall decorations. However, compared to the secret chamber in the basement of Harnisse Castle, this room appeared noticeably smaller. The exquisite frescoes adorning the walls brought a striking contrast with the humble furnishings that occupied the space.

The bed emitted creaks with the slightest movement, leaving Yohana wary of toppling over. The cupboard stood empty, its corners inhabited by cobwebs. A vanity desk was absent, replaced only by a modest, unadorned desk devoid of a chair.

Yohana speculated whether this room had remained unoccupied for an extended period. Such neglect seemed unbecoming of a palace of this caliber. Perhaps the recent change in monarchy had contributed to the abandonment.

Accompanied by Thea, Yohana took a leisurely stroll around the expansive grounds, familiarizing herself with the layout of the vast landscape. Despite her confidence in the palace's security, she saw value in familiarizing herself with all the exits, should an unforeseen event occur.

Venturing farther from the main edifice, they meandered alongside the main channel until they reached the northern lake.

Coming to a halt at a pavilion dominated by shades of blue, Thea provided an explanation, "This is the Pagoda, where the queen enjoys hosting tea parties with her friends."

Yohana's body froze as a wave of familiarity washed over her. The realization struck her deeply in the chest. This very location was where she had been held captive as a child.

This secluded area was reserved exclusively for the queen, princesses, and their esteemed guests—a perfect guise to conceal a kidnapped child.

Little did she know that she would live as Runa now. It was astonishing how the benevolent and innocent princess had transformed into a cunning manipulator, effortlessly thwarting her plans.

"My Lady?" Thea called out, noticing Yohana's distant expression as she drifted into her thoughts of the past.

"Oh, yes."

"Shall we continue our walk? There are still many areas you haven't explored. Trust me, My Lady, the gardens are absolutely breathtaking. You must see them all," Thea suggested, her excitement evident as she hopped around.

With a radiant smile, she shared her personal preference with Yohana, "Personally, I find the Pagoda to be the most enchanting pavilion in the entire palace, but I understand if you have a different opinion, considering the other splendid pavilions."

"It is indeed a beautiful sight," Yohana acknowledged, even though there were unpleasant memories associated with it.

As they continued their stroll, they reached the great cascade, where water cascaded down in three levels. Standing on the bridge, Yohana had a clear view of the main building and the far end of the park. This might just be her favorite place.

"My Lady, may I ask you a question?" Thea timidly inquired.

"Yes, please go ahead," Yohana encouraged her.

Thea hesitated for a moment, then blurted out, "You are a guest of His Highness, so why are you given old dresses? Are you content with that?" However, she quickly regretted her words, closing her eyes in panic. "No, please disregard that! I beg for your forgiveness, My Lady. Please punish me for my impertinence."

She dropped to the floor, pressing her forehead against the cold stone. Yohana reached out and helped her up, saying, "There is nothing wrong with your curiosity, Thea. Please stand up."

Thea rose to her feet and wiped away the tears from her face. "My Lady..."

Yohana brushed off the dirt from Thea's dress, surprising the maid, as it was the first time someone of Yohana's status had helped her in such a way.

"Even though Prince Henrie brought me here, I am still burdened with an ill reputation. It is understandable that my presence brought discomfort for many powerful individuals," Yohana explained.

"But..." Thea's eyes filled with tears once again. "I couldn't bear to see you being treated that way, My Lady. Moreover, you are kind and understanding. How could they not see who you truly are? None of what happened was your fault."

Yohana smiled, appreciating Thea's genuine affection for her. "I am grateful that Miss Zara chose you to be my personal maid."

She made a mental note to visit this spot frequently, as it offered the best view of the palace's backyard.

Continuing their exploration along the southern side of the main channel, they came across stunning monopteros. Sunlight streamed through the circular colonnade, casting a spotlight on the statue of Maroth, one of the famous Sanctus Saints.

Thea pointed toward the large building situated beyond the colonnade and said, "That's the Maroth Hall Pavilion. As a servant in the northern wing, I'm not certain of the purpose of this pavilion."

Maroth Hall Pavilion was constructed using local gritstone rubble, with the front of the pavilion adorned in finely crafted ashlar keuper sandstone. It featured a two-story central section, a castellated parapet, and was flanked by a pair of three-story towers topped with leaded cupolas.

Considering the presence of Siegfried's coat of arms in Prince Henrie's personal color, navy, it was likely that this pavilion served as a venue for his private events or hosting guests.

Approaching the main building, Yohana noticed another pavilion. Thea informed her that it was a hunting lodge, and adjacent to the southern side of the main building was Prince Henrie's private garden and pavilion.

Ascending the stairs to the second-floor connecting passageway, Yohana gained a panoramic view of the palace's front yard. The road they had traveled on horseback with Prince Henrie was now devoid of servants, with only a few knights and soldiers patrolling the area.

Yohana and Thea returned to the grand fountain situated in front of the palace. Towering above her, it provided a serene ambiance as they sat nearby, admiring the sunlight dancing on the sparkling water's surface.

While seated, Yohana's attention was abruptly drawn to a man rushing into the palace. He wore multiple layers of clothing messily wrapped around his body, and his face was concealed by a hood and a cloth covering his lower face.

However, what captivated Yohana's gaze was the symbol on his forehead. Two circles, one white and one black, overlapped at the center to form a gray area.

It was the same symbol she had encountered in her previous life, just before her death.