Sudden Announcement

Fabian held a prominent status among the young nobility, and his presence at any debutante ball was highly coveted by maidens seeking to capture his attention. Debutantes had the privilege of selecting their dance partners, and the chosen partner had no choice but to oblige.

However, it was widely known that Fabian consistently declined such invitations, indicating his disinterest in marriage and indirectly rejecting the advances of eager young ladies.

Perhaps Runa, too, had been among the many women captivated by Fabian's charisma. Henrie felt a mix of agitation and curiosity, unsure if he had the right to inquire about her feelings. After all, their time together had been brief, and Runa seemed to have no recollection of their previous encounters.

Mindful of respecting her privacy, Henrie chose his words carefully as he spoke. "Lady Runa, how are you finding the ball?"

Only partially focused, Runa replied, "It's quite delightful, Your Highness."

"Didn't I ask you to call me by my name when it's just the two of us?" Henrie gently reminded her.

Startled, Runa looked at him, her expression one of surprise. "Oh, right. My apologies, Henrie."

"Lady Runa, please forgive my curiosity, and feel free to disregard the question if you'd rather not answer, but are you now open to the idea of marriage?" Henrie inquired, hoping to uncover her current sentiments.

During Runa's time as the crown princess, rumors circulated that she had turned down numerous marriage proposals. Speculation suggested various reasons for her rejections, such as finding none of the suitors worthy enough to stand by her side when she assumed the throne.

"I'm sorry? What do you mean?" Runa seemed distracted, causing Henrie to question whether it was appropriate to ask her in her current state.

"Oh, never mind," Henrie decided to postpone that question for another occasion. "There's something I would like to discuss with you, but I'm unsure how to approach it. I don't wish to offend you, but it concerns your security..."

Henrie hesitated, aware of the potential ramifications of his plan. He didn't want to put Runa in a difficult position, but at that moment, it seemed like the only course of action he could consider.

"Yes, Henrie," Runa responded absentmindedly, her attention still captivated by Fabian.

Determined to share his plan with Runa, as it directly concerned her and she deserved to be informed, Henrie gathered his resolve. Regardless of the response he might receive, he was determined to speak his mind.

However, just as he was about to speak, the song came to an end, and Runa released her hold on him, moving away, distancing herself. It was too late, and Henrie could only watch as her figure receded, her back turned toward him.


That's him! It's Fabian!' Yohana exclaimed in her mind. He appeared different from her memory. His chubby cheeks had vanished, replaced by sharp, manly jaws. His nose had become more prominent, and his thick brows perfectly framed his brown eyes.

While he had always been tall, he seemed even taller now. His previously slender body had transformed into a solid and muscular form. His dark hair was impeccably styled, not a strand out of place, allowing his handsome face to shine.

"Fabs!" Yohana called out, then quickly realized that she was currently inhabiting someone else's body. She slowed her pace, maintaining the grace befitting the former princess. After clearing her throat, she greeted him, "Good evening, Sir Fabian."

Upon hearing the greeting, Fabian frowned. Yohana grew anxious, wondering which part of her words had sounded amiss. Could it be that he disliked being called 'Fabs'? She had momentarily lost her composure and slipped into using his childhood nickname. He might not appreciate it.

"I'm sorry, Lady Runa, but it appears that we haven't been acquainted before," Fabian responded politely.

"Yes, I apologize for my rudeness." Yohana came closer to him and whispered, "It is I, brother. Yohana."

She adjusted her posture, awaiting his reaction, anticipating a joyous reunion with her beloved brother, the one who had always protected her and made her feel secure.

However, before the anticipated reunion could take place, their interaction was interrupted by another event. The current crown prince took center stage, capturing everyone's attention with several knocks on the glass.

"In the name of the royal family, I would like to express gratitude to all who have gathered here for the royal ball, celebrating the return of Lady Runa," proclaimed Henrie, commanding the attention of the attendees.

He made sure to see the eyes of the attendees while uttering, "I would like to thank all of you for putting an end to the injustice inflicted upon an innocent woman. Consider the hardships endured by Lady Runa, subjected to undeserved hatred."

Henrie inhaled deeply and raised his glass. "With a heart brimming with joy and the utmost sincerity, I announce our forthcoming marriage to the cherished people of Reichwein."

His simple declaration sparked immediate commotion. Murmurs erupted throughout the room, and those near Yohana bombarded her with inquiries.

"Is it true, Lady Runa?"

"Will you truly marry the crown prince?"

"Will you assume the role of ruler over the Reichwein Kingdom, as intended by your late father, the former king?"

Reaffirming his announcement, Henrie firmly stated, "Indeed, Lady Runa and I will unite in marriage. Henceforth, I implore you all to show her the utmost respect as the esteemed fiancee of the crown prince."

Overwhelmed by the barrage of inquiries, Yohana struggled to respond. She desired to deny the statement, yet she understood that Henrie must have a plan. Instantly refuting it would not only damage his reputation but also undermine all he had done for her. Yohana couldn't bear to bring harm to him in return for his kindness.

She found herself in a familiar scenario, reminiscent of being engulfed in a sea of people during the execution of the former monarch in the town square. Amidst the dense crowd, Yohana gracefully maneuvered to make her way through.

In those past moments, the crowd paid her no heed, an unknown woman concealed beneath a hooded cloak. Now, however, everyone clamored for an answer directly from her.

Drifting further from Fabian, Yohana lamented not hearing his response first. Why did Henrie have to speak at such a critical juncture? If only he had waited a few more minutes.

With the utmost urgency, Yohana focused on her escape, directing her attention toward the nearby balcony adjacent to the throne, which was guarded. The guards, understanding her need for solitude, allowed her passage while preventing others from following her.

Finally, she could breathe freely in this space. The night air of spring was crisp, albeit slightly chilly.

Rubbing her arms to generate warmth, she locked eyes with Queen Emma, who glared at her from her seat. Yohana comprehended that the announcement would entail various implications, most of which would likely be unfavorable for her. Considering Queen Emma's current ill treatment of her, Yohana could only anticipate the queen's future treatment toward her to be even more hostile.

Leaning against the balcony railing, she indulged in the captivating night view of the garden. The moonlight cast a shimmering reflection upon the water in the main canal, adding to the enchantment of the scene.

Suddenly, the balcony door swung open, revealing Henrie. He appeared akin to a small creature, prepared to face reprimand from its mother for venturing too far.

Yohana turned toward him and inquired calmly, devoid of any trace of anger in her tone, as her curiosity piqued, "Is it true? Will we be married? What plans have you formulated?"

Henrie took a deep breath, followed by a relieving exhale, indicating that he was more relieved than troubled by Yohana's question. Yohana couldn't help but wonder if he had intended to share this information with her but had been unable to find the right moment.

"Yes, Lady Runa, it is true. You will marry me, the crown prince of Reichwein Kingdom," Henrie confirmed.

He continued, emphasizing the benefits of this union for Yohana. "By assuming the role of my fiancee, your position in the kingdom, and even within the palace, will become more secure. No longer will you be vulnerable as Lady Runa, the former princess. With greater authority, people will hesitate to cross your path. Moreover, you will no longer be subjected to hand-me-down dresses."

Yohana realized that Henrie's motivations went beyond the matter of dresses. She was certain that he had carefully considered the implications before making the announcement. Undoubtedly, this revelation would ignite scandal and intensify scrutiny toward the royal family.

"Are the challenges you would face really worth it?" Yohana voiced her concerns, questioning the decision they were about to make.

Yohana wondered if there had been a romantic relationship between the former princess and Henrie in the past. She couldn't recall any rumors or gossip suggesting such a connection. The former princess had always been regarded as an unattainable beauty due to her aloof demeanor toward men.

"If you're asking whether I believe it's worth it, my answer is yes," Henrie responded with conviction.

Yohana remained unconvinced, lost in her own thoughts. However, Henrie seemed to have other concerns as he posed another question, "Or is your hesitation due to someone else already occupying your thoughts for marriage?"

Yohana was momentarily taken aback by the question. Clearly, she wasn't in a relationship with anyone. Yet, upon hearing those words, she felt a slight pang in her heart. Could it be Runa's body reacting to the question?

"No," Yohana replied. Henrie visibly relaxed, albeit briefly, as Yohana continued, "But it feels as though my heart already belongs to someone."