The Aftermath

"This is outrageous!" Queen Emma exclaimed as she stormed into her bed chamber, tossing aside her folding fan. Her breathing was uneven, and her composure was clearly shaken.

Lady Heidi rushed to the queen's side, taking her hand and providing support. "Your Majesty..."

"Heidi, what am I supposed to do now? My own son has betrayed me in such a manner. How dare he disrespect me to this extent?!" Queen Emma's voice trembled with anger and hurt. Overwhelmed, she had to be guided to the sofa by Lady Heidi.

"Please, have a seat, Your Majesty," Lady Heidi urged, while instructing Zara to bring a warm cup of tea and prepare a foot soak with warm water for the queen.

The sudden announcement of the impending marriage had sent shockwaves through the entire royal family. King Georg had excused himself early in the evening, feeling unwell, likely due to the shock. However, it was Queen Emma who suffered the greatest blow, her emotions reeling from the unexpected news.

Just days earlier, Queen Emma had voiced her strong reservations about Henrie bringing the former princess into the palace. She believed that such an act alone would be enough to tarnish the reputation of the royal family.

And now, with the announcement of their impending marriage, Henrie had added fuel to the gossip fire that would surely ignite within society.

No matter how progressive an approach Henrie and King Georg had discussed regarding clearing Lady Runa's name, Queen Emma remained steadfast in her belief that someone with her questionable past should have no association with the royal family.

Yet, Henrie had disregarded her concerns entirely and had even chosen Lady Runa as his bride, defying her wishes and going against her counsel.

"I will speak with the crown prince," Queen Emma declared as she stood up, determined.

"Your Majesty, perhaps it would be best to rest for the night and have the conversation with Prince Henrie tomorrow. It has been a long and tiring day for both you and Prince Henrie. I believe the discussion will be more productive and amicable when both parties have had sufficient rest and their minds are refreshed," Lady Heidi advised.

Queen Emma recognized the wisdom in Lady Heidi's suggestion and reluctantly agreed to postpone the conversation until the following day.

After having her feet soaked and receiving a soothing massage from a maid, Queen Emma retired to her bed for the night.


Once the sun had risen, Queen Emma had her breakfast in her chamber and immediately proceeded to visit Henrie's chamber. She was informed that Henrie had already been in his study since morning.

Henrie did not appear surprised to see his mother entering with determined strides. "Good morning, Mother. It's going to be a beautiful day for being outdoors," he greeted, remaining seated in his chair.

"My prince, I'm sure you're aware of the purpose of my visit. Would you mind explaining to me what is going on?" Queen Emma inquired, allowing herself to take a seat.

Henrie gestured for Mr. Hermann to leave the study, desiring to be alone with his mother. As the door closed, Henrie set aside his stack of paperwork and focused his gaze on his mother, who stood before him.

"I believe I made myself clear yesterday. Are you interested in hearing about the wedding plans, Mother?" Henrie responded.

Queen Emma interpreted Henrie's words as a taunt, but she refused to be drawn into his game. Despite the situation, she still held one trump card. "It is the duty of the queen to select potential candidates for your wife. I am responsible for ensuring that the Reichwein Kingdom does not fall into the wrong hands."

"Indeed, Mother. However, the final decision ultimately rests with me. I have already expressed my preference. I fail to understand what is still troubling you," he stated, speaking the truth.

While it was customary for the queen to present suitable candidates for a prince's wife, ultimately, it was the prince who made the final choice.

Refusing to back down, Queen Emma asserted, "I would not challenge your decisions if the candidate came from a suitable background. Lady Runa, however, is not someone who will enhance the image of the royal family."

She took a deep breath, maintaining her composure as she searched for the right words to sway Henrie. Unfortunately, her knowledge fell short in that regard. Admitting to herself that she had focused solely on her daughters, Queen Emma acknowledged her lack of understanding of Henrie.

"Henrie, if you do not wish to consider our family, you should at least consider the people of Reichwein. Other kingdoms and empires will look down upon us for being lenient toward the family of our enemy," she urged.

"Mother, it seems you are unaware of how well-regarded Runa is among neighboring kingdoms. Did you know that she has been instrumental in forming alliances and trade agreements on behalf of her father?" Henrie countered.

Running out of arguments, Queen Emma softened her tone, attempting to appeal to Henrie's emotions through her motherly approach.

"What is it that you like about her? Let your mother find someone even better. If you find her silver hair appealing, I can find other suitable ladies with silver hair for you. What else? Is it her beauty? I have an acquaintance in Greifswaldia who has a stunning daughter. She is well-known–"

"Mother!" Henrie interrupted, cutting her off. "My decision is final."

Queen Emma clenched her fists, her frustration evident. "Your father will not approve of this reckless decision."

Henrie smiled and calmly replied, "The king understands that the union between Siegsfried and Schauenstein is beneficial for the kingdom. Loyalists will cease their rebellions now that Runa has returned to her rightful place."

In the end, Queen Emma left the study feeling even more frustrated than before. If Henrie was determined to marry Lady Runa, she felt compelled to take matters into her own hands.

She would make every effort to drive Lady Runa away from the palace, creating a wedge between her and Henrie. If Henrie believed that Lady Runa did not share his feelings, he would eventually give up on pursuing her.


Lady Runa was once again absent from dinner. Henrie entered the dining chamber, where the king, queen, and Henrie's sisters were already seated, ready to enjoy their meal. Henrie's seat remained empty, with a prepared meal awaiting him on the table.

Henrie questioned his mother, "I don't see Lady Runa again. Did you invite her to join us for dinner?"

"Yes, my prince. I have already informed you that she has no interest in joining us," replied Queen Emma, focusing on cutting the meat on her plate.

Eleanor, the eldest princess, sneered at her brother and remarked, "Perhaps your approach lacks finesse. A man should know how to woo a woman of Lady Runa's caliber. Basic methods won't be enough to captivate the famous 'iron-wall' Runa."

"Brother, may I suggest focusing on the kingdom instead? What if she simply desires an independent life, where she doesn't have to rely on a man? It's not a reflection of you, brother, but rather her own personal choice," Elke, the second princess, shared her perspective.

Queen Emma slammed her fork onto the plate, cutting the meat with deep frustration in her actions. She felt slighted by Elke's words and retorted,

"Elke, let me remind you that a woman's value lies in a good marriage. You are the only exception who thinks otherwise. Other young ladies are desperate to find outstanding men like your brother for a husband."

Henrie's youngest sibling, Elisa, continued to play with her fork, fixated on her plate and avoiding eye contact. Henrie had always known her as a shy little girl who preferred to keep to herself.

"Why don't you take a seat, Henrie? The steak is getting cold," King Georg suggested.

"No, Father. I will not join you for dinner. There are urgent matters that require my attention," Henrie replied, turning away from his family.

Queen Emma squinted, clearly displeased. "What kind of urgent matters can't wait until after dinner? Even your father is here to spend time with family."

"Your Majesties, sisters," Henrie bowed politely and swiftly departed from the dining chamber.

As Henrie walked down the hall toward his study, a sense of dejection weighed heavily upon him. He understood that winning Runa's heart would not be an easy task, but her direct rejection still caused him great pain.

His mind drifted back to the night when he had revealed his full plan to Runa, a night that had shed light on the state of her heart. She had claimed that she couldn't remember the man.

"I know it may sound strange, but that's the reality. While marriages in the royal family are often driven by politics or business, you have been so kind to me, and I cannot bear the thought of marrying you without being able to give you the love and affection that you deserve," she had confessed.

"Lady Runa, I believe there is a misunderstanding. You would only be my fiancee, not my wife," Henrie had clarified.