Southern Wolves

"Lady Runa," Princess Eleanor greeted casually, a smile adorning her face.

Yohana observed the princess closely, noting that her attire, makeup, and hairdo were still immaculate, indicating that she had headed straight to the cellar after dinner. Although Princess Eleanor wore a calm smile, there was an underlying sense that she was concealing something.

"Your Highness, please forgive my inappropriate appearance," Yohana replied, offering a bow.

"You're a part of the family now, aren't you? So please feel free to address me more comfortably. I shall do the same. Alright, Runa?" Princess Eleanor's words sent a shiver down Yohana's spine, as there was an unsettling aura surrounding her.

Swallowing her unease, Yohana responded, "Yes, Eleanor." She decided to play along with Princess Eleanor's game, curious to uncover the truth behind her peculiar behavior.

The two of them remained motionless, neither willing to break the silence first, despite their clear intentions. Yohana desired to inquire about the noise, while Princess Eleanor hoped Yohana would let the matter go.

"I heard something," Yohana eventually spoke up, putting an end to their silent clash.

"Oh, really?" Princess Eleanor placed her index finger on her chin, feigning deep thought.

"Eleanor, is there something worrisome down there?" Yohana asked directly, leaving no room for Princess Eleanor to evade the question.

Princess Eleanor turned around, maintaining her composure. "They are just my pets," she replied dismissively.

Unconvinced, Yohana sought confirmation. "Pets?" she repeated.

The idea of keeping pets in the cellar seemed highly dubious. The purpose of having pets was to play with them, care for them, and have them as additional companions for the family. Keeping pets in the cellar contradicted this basic principle.

"Yes. You see, my dear Runa, I am a fan of exotic animals. I have searched for these animals throughout the kingdom. They are dangerous, but I love them and insist on keeping them in the cellar," Princess Eleanor explained.

Yohana remained uncertain, but it appeared that Princess Eleanor had finished speaking. She ascended the stairs until she reached the first floor. Lightly touching Yohana's shoulder, she said, "Be cautious, Runa. There are southern wolves down there."

Princess Eleanor's words left Yohana feeling disturbed. She couldn't pinpoint whether it was because of the princess's whispered tone or her tense expression.

However, she was certain that there was something sinister about the cellar.

The princess' following words only heightened the eerie atmosphere of the encounter. "I would be sad if something were to happen to you."

It almost sounded like a threat, deepening Yohana's unease. She was left speechless as Princess Eleanor retreated to her room, leaving the cellar engulfed in complete darkness.


Thea informed Yohana of Henrie's arrival at her chamber, and upon receiving permission, Henrie entered the drawing room.

"I was just about to go for a walk. I've been reading for hours and I'm feeling a bit tired," Yohana mentioned.

"Shall we take a stroll together, then?" Henrie offered his arm, and Yohana intertwined her arm with his.

With Thea following at a distance behind them, Henrie and Yohana continued their walk in the park. "Should we go together tomorrow?" Henrie asked.

Yohana raised her eyebrows in confusion. "What is happening tomorrow?"

Henrie reminded her, "Don't you remember? Tomorrow is the Divine Unity Festival."

Yohana's face lit up with realization. "Oh! I completely lost track of time with everything going on."

The Divine Unity Festival was a significant event celebrated by Sanctists every five years. It commemorated Saint Bateilla's five-year transformative pilgrimage and served as a symbol of enlightenment.

On the morning of the festival, Sanctists would attend masses at their respective churches for spiritual renewal and deepening of faith. Additionally, the kingdom held a grand celebration featuring markets and a free banquet provided by the royal family, fostering community bonds through spirituality.

"I don't believe you have a dress in the color of lilac," Henrie said. Lilac was the official color of Saint Bateilla and wearing it on the Divine Unity day was a common tradition in Reichwein.

While it wasn't mandatory for everyone, it held special significance for the royal family, who were believed to be descendants of the Saints. Wearing lilacs would further solidify her position in the royal family.

"Yes, it appears that I haven't purchased any," Yohana admitted.

"I took the liberty to invite Mrs. Lo to the palace to bring ready-to-wear lilac dresses for you. I hope you don't mind," Henrie revealed. "I have also arranged for jewelers and shoemakers to be present."

His readiness impressed Yohana. She could visit Mrs. Lo's shop herself with Thea, but that would have taken more time. With the festival approaching, it was convenient to have everything arranged within the palace.


Mrs. Lo couldn't contain her excitement and immediately commented on the grandeur of Yohana's new chamber.

"I'm delighted to see that the misunderstandings have been resolved. This chamber suits someone of your class, Lady Runa. If I were in your position, I wouldn't even consider returning to your previous room. But you're so humble that it didn't bother you."

"Right? I have spoken about that thousands of times already! But Lady Runa is just too kind. She didn't want to make troubles with the royal–"

"Thea!" Yohana interrupted Thea, realizing that she was about to reveal sensitive information about the palace. She didn't want any tarnish on the royal family's reputation.

Thea quickly sealed her lips and turned her attention to the gowns brought by Mrs. Lo. There was a wide variety of lilac dresses, each showcasing different fabrics and styles.

Among them, Thea selected a breathtaking lilac dress made from the finest silk for Yohana. It gracefully enhanced Yohana's slender figure, adorned with delicate, hand-sewn floral embroidery that shimmered under the sunlight.

The dress had a modest yet flattering neckline, with subtle ruffles that framed Yohana's face and added a touch of femininity. The skirt gracefully cascaded down to the floor, featuring gentle layers that revealed intricate lacework and delicate pleats.

To complement the exquisite dress, Thea selected a pair of silver earrings with lilac-hued gemstones that perfectly matched Yohana's gown. She also chose a silver pendant necklace with a lilac-hued amethyst, completing the elegant ensemble.

"My Lady!! You're a goddess! Oh, my, this is bad. People will focus on you instead of the mass. What will you do, My Lady? I'm afraid they will worship you instead," Thea exclaimed.

"Thea, you certainly speak your mind freely. Aren't you afraid of the consequences? The church won't stand idle hearing your blasphemy," Yohana responded calmly, though she couldn't help but smile at Thea's honest and child-like nature. Such qualities were rare to find within the palace.

Ignoring the warning, Thea shifted her attention to the rows of shoes displayed on the floor. Considering both style and comfort, she carefully selected a pair of dainty silk slippers dyed in a matching lilac shade.

"My Lady, you should wear these. You'll be on your feet constantly throughout the day, from the mass to the festival. Especially the festival! Comfort is essential," Thea insisted, helping Yohana put on the slippers.

Yohana was pleased with Thea's choice. The slippers featured delicate bows and intricate silver embroidery, while their low heels provided ease of movement.

Her overall appearance was elegant enough to embrace the festive spirit of the day, yet refined to show reverence for the sacred occasion.


In the early morning, Henrie arrived at Yohana's chamber and was momentarily taken aback by her beauty. Quickly regaining his composure, he extended his hand to her. Together, they entered the carriage and embarked on their journey.

During the ride, Henrie couldn't take his eyes off Yohana, continuously showering her with compliments. "I believe it's not because of the dresses, for you are always beautiful no matter what you wear," he remarked.

Yohana felt a slight unease upon hearing his words, as she knew that the beauty he admired was not her true form. However, she couldn't deny the allure of Runa's appearance.