Divine Unity Festival

Their interaction in the carriage made the journey to the church seem short, partly due to Henrie's constant stream of compliments.

The newest royal pair was the latest to arrive as the king, queen and princesses were already seated inside the church. Their entrance was as grand as it had been at the royal ball, eliciting bright smiles from the gathered Sanctists who were thoroughly enjoying the spectacle.

Taking their seats in the front row of the long bench, Henrie and Yohana remained focused throughout the mass. After the ceremony, many Sanctists took the opportunity to approach the crown prince and his fiancee.

"You look absolutely stunning."

"I can hardly believe how breathtaking you are up close."

"Lady Runa, or should I now address you as Your Highness?"

"Your Highness, I'm certain that any child you have with Prince Henrie will possess unrivaled beauty."

From the corner of her eye, Yohana noticed Queen Emma and her ladies-in-waiting, particularly Lady Heidi, wearing their customary disdainful expressions whenever they spoke to her. It was evident that the queen was well aware of Runa's popularity among the people, a sentiment largely influenced by Henrie's efforts in shaping public opinion through articles. Additionally, Runa had already been adored when she was still the crown princess.

After exchanging pleasantries with the churchgoers, Henrie and Yohana exited the church to find Queen Emma waiting for them outside.

"Why did it take you so long?" Queen Emma began criticizing and scrutinizing Yohana, her gaze fixed upon her.

"It is not our fault that the people of Reichwein hold such love for us, Mother. Shall I inform them that the queen of Reichwein forbids us from engaging with them?" Henrie retorted.

Frustrated by Henrie's immediate support for Yohana, Queen Emma wordlessly turned away and boarded her carriage, followed by her ladies-in-waiting.


Following the mass, a parade was scheduled for the royal family to ride in open carriages, expressing gratitude to the people for their participation in the celebration.

King Georg and Queen Emma occupied the first carriage, followed by Henrie. When Henrie invited Yohana to join him in the same carriage, Queen Emma's displeasure was evident.

She contested the decision, stating, "She is not yet your wife, and it is inappropriate for her to participate in the parade as your partner."

Henrie chuckled at the feeble attack. "Mother, she has accompanied me as my fiancee to the mass. If she were not to join me in the carriage, it would raise questions. I thought you were concerned about preserving our family's reputation, Mother?"

His response was enough to silence the queen.

Yohana understood why Queen Emma struggled to assert her opinions in the palace. As a former duchess, she had never been involved in politics and had only managed her own castle and staff, who would never defy her.

Yohana even felt sympathy for Queen Emma, although she seemed to be the only one with such sentiments, as none of the princesses showed much concern for their mother.

Princess Eleanor had already boarded the carriage, with Princess Elisa timidly by her side, while Princess Elke was busy surveying the nearby stores.

"What is she doing?" Queen Emma spoke sharply, concealing her distaste behind a folding fan.

Lady Lotti and Maxine caught the signal and hurriedly went after Princess Elke, practically dragging her back to the designated gathering point.

"I'm going to open my own shop around here!" Princess Elke exclaimed.

"Don't be ridiculous, Elke! Hurry up and get on the carriage!" the queen demanded, urging her second daughter to join her sisters.

Once Princess Elke was finally aboard, Henrie assisted Yohana onto the carriage before joining her. With everyone settled, the carriages set off.

The people's excitement to catch a glimpse of the royal family was evident. They had prepared flowers to throw and some even handed the flowers directly to the occupants of the carriages.

Henrie, in particular, was well-liked. Yohana couldn't determine if Runa's popularity contributed to his appeal or if it was solely due to Henrie himself. He possessed strength and had achieved victory in several wars for the Reichwein Kingdom, which enhanced his reputation among the people.

Then, an unexpected occurrence took place. A woman and a child, both adorned in lavish golden attire and sparkling accessories, approached Henrie's carriage.

Wearing gold in itself was not a sin, but during the Divine Unity Festival, where lilac was the official color, those donning gold would inevitably attract attention.

Wearing gold in everyday life was typically associated with followers of Solism. Solists, who believed in the religion of Solism, were a rarity in the Reichwein Kingdom. The kingdom predominantly embraced Reformed Sanctus, a branch of the Sanctus religion that welcomed other faiths.

However, Solism was the main religion in the enemy kingdom of Kievskaya, thus making Solists viewed as adversaries in Reichwein Kingdom. Most people, especially the nobility, would distance themselves from Solists due to the potential negative impact on their reputation.

Knowing the risks involved, Henrie chose to do what other nobles wouldn't dare. He instructed the carriage to stop so he could listen to what the woman and child had to say. He graciously accepted the flower offered by the child, and Yohana followed suit.

"Thank you," Yohana whispered.

The simple act of accepting the flowers brought tears to the woman's eyes. "Mama...?" the child touched his mother's face, confused by her sudden display of emotions.

The woman wiped away her tears and confessed that she was indeed a Solist, but she was born in Reichwein and pledged her loyalty to this kingdom alone.

"This is the first time in my life that I haven't been met with menacing looks. This is the first time that someone has thanked me," she said, bowing deeply as she sobbed.

Henrie reached out and squeezed the woman's hand. "I am deeply sorry to hear that. I will do everything in my power to eradicate such toxic beliefs and promote greater tolerance within the Reichwein Kingdom."

"Thank you," the woman replied with a smile.

As the carriage continued on its way, Yohana felt as if she was witnessing a new side of Henrie that she hadn't been aware of before. She had been so focused on her own agenda of staying in the palace to catch the man with the symbol that she hadn't fully recognized Henrie's kindness.

She acknowledged that Henrie had always treated her well, but being kind to someone you were infatuated with was not particularly praiseworthy. However, showing kindness to those who held no immediate benefit to you was a different level of kindness, and Henrie had that quality.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Henrie asked, his face flushed as he touched his blushing cheeks.

Yohana smiled and replied, "Oh, it's nothing. I just find you charming, that's all."

Henrie turned away, but Yohana could see his ears turning a shade of red resembling a ripe tomato. She couldn't help but chuckle at his unexpected innocence.


After the parade, everyone was free to pursue their own interests. King Georg chose to return to the palace and rest, as his age had taken a toll on his body. Queen Emma accompanied her husband.

The princesses, except for the second princess, also returned to the palace. Princess Elke expressed her desire to explore the night market with Henrie and Yohana. Queen Emma granted her request on the condition that she didn't wander off and leave Lady Lotti behind, as she often did.

Accompanied by two guards and followed by Thea and Lady Lotti, the trio roamed the market, exploring various vendors and their merchandise. At one point, Thea stopped at an accessories vendor and was captivated by a particular brass bracelet.

"My Lady, look! It's absolutely stunning," she exclaimed, lifting the bracelet for Yohana to see.

Yohana reached for her coins, ready to purchase the bracelet for Thea, but Thea hesitated and placed it back on the display. Elke, sensing Thea's thoughts, nudged her and whispered, "Would you like to have matching bracelets with Lady Runa?"

Thea vehemently shook her head, using her entire body to convey her refusal as if her life depended on it. "I wouldn't dare, Your Highness. It's just... I wanted to give Her Ladyship something, but this inexpensive bracelet wouldn't be suitable for someone as esteemed as Her Ladyship. If I were to insist, it might become a burden–"

Before Thea could finish her convoluted explanation, Yohana swiftly took the bracelet and requested Thea's assistance in putting it on her wrist. She raised her arm, admiring the piece. "It's beautiful."

"Yes, it truly is," everyone agreed in unison.

A moment of silence settled upon them before Yohana broke it. "Thea, why aren't you paying? Didn't you say you wanted to buy this for me?"

"Oh, yes, My Lady." Thea retrieved several coins from her pocket, a wide smile spreading across her face.

That smile remained on Thea's face even until she bid Yohana goodnight and retired to her own chambers.